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Indications for a coronary angiography are need of specification of genesis of a heartache and for a thorax, stenocardia, refractory to treatment, a question of the operation choice (a koronaroplastik or imposing of the aortocoronary shunt). Coronary angiography is rather safe procedure, but also at its carrying out complications, including developing of a heart attack, stratifying or a rupture of a coronary vessel, developing of thrombophlebitis, neurologic frustration are possible.
At heart diseases the angiocardiography allows to specify anatomic features, including the sizes of cameras of heart, existence of regurgitation or dumping of blood, extent of narrowing of this or that opening.
In cardial cavities the following indicators normal are defined: pressure in a right ventricle - 15-30 mm of mercury. (systolic) and 0-8 mm of mercury. (diastolic), in a pulmonary artery - 5-30 mm of mercury. (systolic) and 3-12 mm of mercury. (diastolic), in the left auricle (as well as in a left ventricle) - 100-140 mm of mercury. (systolic) and 3-12 mm of mercury. (diastolic), in an aorta of 100-140 mm of mercury. (systolic) and 60-80 mm of mercury. (diastolic). Saturation by oxygen of the blood received from different cameras of heart, variously (the right auricle - 75%, a right ventricle - 75%, a pulmonary artery - 75%, the left auricle - 95-99%). Measuring pressure in cardial cavities and investigating blood saturation by oxygen at its semi-rhenium from different cameras, it is possible to obtain big additional information on morphological and functional changes of a riokard. Level of pressure allows to judge sokratitelny function of the right and left ventricles also. Pulmonary capillary pressure of jamming at introduction of a catheter to a pulmonary artery (whenever possible more distally) reflects pressure size in the left auricle and in turn characterizes diastolic pressure in a left ventricle. At catheterization it is possible to measure quite precisely cordial emission (liters a minute) and cardiac index (liters a minute on 1 sq.m of a body surface). At the same time administration of liquid of a certain temperature is used (termodilyution). By means of the special sensor the curve which with the horizontal line forms the area proportional to cordial emission turns out. Existence of the endocardiac shunt is established at saturation measurement by blood oxygen in the corresponding cameras of heart.

Blood supply of heart
