Hygienic processing of removable dentures
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Removable prostheses need daily hygienic cleaning as they adjoin to a mucous membrane of an oral cavity and create badly washed zones. By means of a brush from a removable prosthesis it is easy to delete the food remains. Besides it is necessary to remove prostheses every time of meal for cleaning of surfaces. It is desirable to carry out hygienic processing of removable prostheses daily, at least – before going to bed and as at most – after each meal.
Prosthesis for the night to leave quite admissible after the evening hygienic procedures for cleaning of a prosthesis and an oral cavity. Here all depends on desire of the owner of a prosthesis to leave it in an oral cavity for the night or on the contrary, to have a rest from its presence. Many stomatologists recommend in the first weeks after prosthetics to leave a removable prosthesis in a mouth for the night for the best accustoming. The first months after prosthetics prostheses have to be in the wet environment as fresh plastic of which the basis of a prosthesis is made can allocate some time monomer. On air release of monomer can lead to formation of whitish stains in plastic, and to acquisition so-called" marble" a type of a removable prosthesis. In water of it does not occur. Therefore the first 1.5-2 months the prosthesis has to be in a mouth, or in glass with water.
With removable prostheses it is undesirable to patients to eat viscous and sticky products (toffees, chewing gums, etc.). In the first weeks the field of denture treatment it is necessary to eat well crushed food in the small portions, for example, the fruit cut with segments.

Removable dentures