
Producer: Teva (Tev) Israel
Code of automatic telephone exchange: C02CA04
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: 2 mg or 4 mg of a doksazozin in the form of a mezilat.
Excipients: sodium starch is glikolit, microcrystallic cellulose, lactose, magnesium stearate, sodium lauryl sulfate.
Pharmacological properties:
Active инградиент in TONOKARDINE - доксазозин.
Doksazozin - anti-hypertensive drug. At reception of a doksazozin by the patients having an arterial hypertension clinically significant lowering of arterial pressure in a rezuptata of reduction of system vascular resistance is noted. Drug shows vasodilating effect through the selection, competitive blockade postsynaptic alpha 1 - adrenoceptors which are located in a vascular wall.
After a single dose clinically significant lowering of arterial pressure is observed within 24 hours. Arterial pressure decreases the gradual and Maximum decrease is observed in 2-6 hours after reception of a dose. Except TONOKARDIN lowering of arterial pressure favorably influences blood lipids, considerably reducing the level of triglycerides and the general cholesterol.
Purpose of TONOKARDINA to patients with a high-quality prostatauxe leads to considerable improvement of urodynamic indicators and reduction of symptoms of this disease. The effect at patients with a high-quality prostatauxe is connected with the selection blockade of alpha adrenoceptors which are localized in a muscular stroma and the capsule of a prostate and in a bladder neck.
Indications to use:
Arterial hypertension
Tonokardin is shown for treatment of arterial hypertension and for most of patients it should be used to start treatment as drug of the first row. At inefficiency of monotherapy, доксазозин it is appointed in a combination with other groups of hypotensive drugs: thiazide diuretics, beta-blockers, antagonists of calcium, inhibitors of an angiotensin-converting enzyme.
High-quality prostatauxe
Tonokardin is also shown for the treatment of deterioration or obstruction of outflow of urine connected with the high-quality prostatauxe (HQP). Doksazozin can be used at patients with DGPZh as having a hypertension, and normotonik. At patients without hypertension of change of arterial pressure are clinically not significant.
Route of administration and doses:
Tonokardin it is necessary to accept once a day (in the morning or in the evening).
Arterial giperteneiya
Tonokardin is appointed the doctor in a dose from 1 to 16 mg a day. Treatment is recommended to be begun with 1 mg once in days within 1-2 weeks. Within the next 1-2 weeks the dose of drug can be increased to 2 mg a day. Further, if necessary, the daily dose can be gradually increased with the same intervals to 4 mg, 8 mg and 16 mg before achievement of desirable hypotensive effect. Usually effective dose makes 2-4 mg once a day.
Benign hyperplasia of a prostate
Initial dose of Tonokardin - 1 mg once in days. Depending on urodynamic of the patient and expressiveness of symptoms of DGPZh, the dose can be increased to 2 mg, and then to 4 mg. Most recommended dose - 8 mg a day. The recommended titration interval of-1-2 weeks.
Side effects:
Side effects of Tonokardin: dizziness, especially in case of change of position of a body { from a sitting position or lying in vertical position), a headache, sleeplessness, weakness, hypostases of legs or shins, nausea, a nose congestion, rhinitis.
There are messages on extremely exceptional cases of an incontience of urine, isolated cases of a painful long erection of a penis.
Undesirable effects are usually moderately expressed and tends to pass independently at treatment continuation. If these effects cause problems or proceed more than a week, it is necessary to inform the doctor.
About cases of an enanthesis, an itch, changes from blood (thrombocytopenia, a leukopenia), a tendency to bleeding, liver diseases, vision disorders in the form of blurring of the image it is also necessary to tell the attending physician.
It is necessary to inform the doctor on any manifestations of side reactions.
Interaction with other medicines:
The most part of a doksazozin contacts blood proteins. On the basis of the data obtained by in vitro on human plasma it is shown what доксазозин does not render effect on communication with protein of digoxin, warfarin, Phenytoinum or indometacin. According to literature доксазозин it was applied in clinical practice together with the thiazide diuretics, furosemide, beta-blockers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, peroral hypoglycemic means, drugs promoting removal of uric acid and anticoagulative means without any adverse effects.
Doksazozin is contraindicated to patients with hypersensitivity to quinazolines.
Doksazozin it is necessary to apply with care at patients with the proved abnormal liver function.
There are no uses of a doksazozin given relatively at children of younger age and 16 years are younger than teenagers.
At administration of drug patients should be careful at control of motor transport or during the work with the difficult equipment as Tonokardin can reduce their ability to management, especially in an initiation of treatment.
Pregnancy and lactation.
Due to the lack of adequate and well controlled researches at pregnant women or the feeding women, safety of use of a doksazozin during pregnancy or a lactation is not established yet. Therefore, доксазозин it is necessary to use in this group only when, according to the doctor, the potential advantage exceeds risk.
If the overdose led to hypotension, the patient should be laid immediately on a back and to raise up legs. If necessary also other urgent actions have to be carried out. As доксазозин almost completely contacts blood proteins, the hemodialysis in these cases is not shown.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity at storage 2 years (the period of validity is specified on a box). It is impossible to use drug after expiry date. To store at the room temperature (15-25 °C). To store in the place, unavailable to children!
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
20 tablets on 2 mg in packaging. 20 tablets on 4 mg in packaging.