Analgeziruyushchy non-narcotic means.
JSC Biokhimik Republic of Mordovia
Mestnoanesteziruyushchy means.
JSC Borisovsky Plant of Medical Supplies Republic of Belarus
Artifrin-Zdorovye solution for infection 1,7ml No. 10/1,7ml No. 10kh
Drugs for local anesthesia.
LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine
Artifrin-Zdorovye Forte, (1:100000), carp. 1,7ml No. 10kh
Drugs for local anesthesia.
LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine
Drugs for local anesthesia.
LLC Pharmtekhnologiya Republic of Belarus
Mestnoanesteziruyushchy means in a combination with α,β-адреномиметиком.
CJSC Bryntsalov-A Russia
Mestnoanesteziruyushchy means in a combination with α,β-адреномиметиком.
CJSC Bryntsalov-A Russia
Mestnoanesteziruyushchy sredstvo.teziruyushchy means.
AS Grindex (JSC Grindeks) Latvia
Mestnoanesteziruyushchy means.
AS Grindex (JSC Grindeks) Latvia
Local anesthetic for surface anesthesia.
Gmnenihal GmbH (Gryunentad Gmbh) Germany
Means for not inhalation anesthesia.
AstraZeneca (Astrazenek) Sweden
Means for not inhalation anesthesia.
AstraZeneca (Astrazenek) Sweden
Means for the general anesthesia.
JSC Pharmak Ukraine
Means for not inhalation general anesthesia.
Federal State Unitary Enterprise Moscow Endocrine Plant Russia
Means for not inhalation anesthesia.
JSC Pharmak Ukraine
Mestnoanesteziruyushchy means.
LLC MTs Ellara Rossiya
Mestnoanesteziruyushchy and antiarrhytmic means.
JSC Organika Russia
Drugs for local anesthesia.
JSC Himfarm Republic of Kazakhstan
Antiseptic agent + mestnoanesteziruyushchy means.
OU NPTS "Biogen" Russia
Mestnoanesteziruyushchy means.
CJSC PFK Obnovleniye Rossiya
Lidokain-Zdorovye, solution д / ин 2% on 2 ml No.
Drugs for local anesthesia.
LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine
Lidokain-Zdorovye, solution for infection 10% on 2 ml No.
Drugs for local anesthesia.
LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine
Mestnoanesteziruyushchy and antiarrhytmic means.
JSC Borisovsky Plant of Medical Supplies Republic of Belarus
Drugs for local anesthesia.
Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine
Local anesthetic for surface anesthesia.
JSC Himfarm Republic of Kazakhstan
Mestnoanesteziruyushchy means.
AstraZeneca (Astrazenek) Sweden
Mestnoanesteziruyushchy means.
AstraZeneca (Astrazenek) Sweden
Mestnoanesteziruyushchy means.
AstraZeneca (Astrazenek) Sweden
Mepifrin-Zdorovye, solution for and 30mg/ml in амп.по 1.7ml No. 10 (No. 10х5)
Drugs for local anesthesia.
LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine
Narcotic analgetics. Opioids derivative of morphine.
Federal State Unitary Enterprise Moscow Endocrine Plant Russia