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10 week of pregnancy

On the 10th week of pregnancy the age of future kid makes 8 weeks from the conception moment. With approach of the 10th week of pregnancy passes the second crisis stage of relationship in the mother fruit system.На 10 неделе беременности у плода размножаются нервные клетки головного мозга

Changes of a fruit

The fruit size on the 10th week of pregnancy makes about 35 - 40 mm in length, and weight reaches 5 g, that is by the sizes it already corresponds to a small apricot. To a half of length of a fruit it is the share of the head, and there is no trace of a tail left absolutely, it turned into a tailbone.

Fruit cardiac rhythm on the 10th week of pregnancy about 150 - 160 beats per minute, that is practically as at the newborn child.

At this time hands and legs of future baby are already created, it is possible to distinguish his knee and elbow joints. The fruit for a long time actively moves, its movements become more various, though are not felt as the woman. The mimicry develops – the fruit opens and closes a mouth, brings closer hands to the person, wriggles and grimaces, puts fingers of hands in a mouth.

Hair on the head of future kid still are absent, but all little body begins to become covered by easy vellus hair – a lanugo.

On the 10th week of pregnancy nervous cells of a brain intensively breed, all nervous system was divided on central and peripheral by this time. From age of 10 weeks of pregnancy it is possible to register the electric potentials of a brain of a fruit testimonial of its activity.

Development of immune, lymphatic systems, intestines practically continues all is created. External genitals begin to be stuffed up, but on ultrasonography in 10 weeks of pregnancy the floor of a fruit cannot be distinguished still. Gonads begin to produce hormones.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 10th week of pregnancy

On the 10th week of pregnancy displays of early toxicosis in the form of nausea, vomiting and plentiful salivation considerably decrease. Organisms of mother and a fruit almost completely adapted to coexistence. But weakness, bystry fatigue, absent-mindedness of attention and differences of mood can remain.

The stomach on the 10th week of pregnancy was not rounded yet though the uterus by the sizes is comparable with grapefruit, and in a small basin to it becomes close. Sometimes increase in a uterus provokes the speeded-up urination and locks. But it is temporary problems as soon as the uterus increases so that will leave a cavity of a small pelvis, they stop.

On a stomach in 10 weeks of pregnancy some women have a dark thin strip going to a bosom from a navel.

The pregnant woman in 10 weeks at the expressed toxicosis sometimes loses weight, but most often from this point there is a weight increase, no more than 2 - 3 kg. During pregnancy the weight of the woman increases not only at the expense of the growing uterus, a fruit and amniotic waters. Fatty tissue which is laid in hips, a stomach, a breast gives an increase. The organism thus reserves nutrients for future breastfeeding of the baby.Размер плода на 10 неделе беременности - 35-40 мм

Allocations on the 10th week of pregnancy should not cause concerns if they yellowish or whitish, have no unpleasant smell. If allocations on the 10th week of pregnancy plentiful, curdled, kroshkovaty are also followed by an itch or burning, then they can be the milkwoman's sign (vagina candidiasis). It is quite widespread at pregnancy that is connected with change of acid-base balance, hormonal shifts and decrease in immunity. At the milkwoman it is necessary to consult with the doctor concerning treatment as during pregnancy reception of some drugs can do harm to future child.

Pains on the 10th week of pregnancy have to guard the woman. If they are followed by bloody allocations, it can be a symptom of the begun abortion.

Inspection on the 10th week of pregnancy

Usually ultrasonography on the 10th week of pregnancy is appointed to all women as a screening research. At normally proceeding pregnancy - this first ultrasonic examination of a fruit, by its results judge quantity of fruits, their movements and serdtsebiyeniye, rough anomalies and malformations. Detection of defects of a fruit, incompatible with life, on such early duration of gestation can become the indication for its interruption. Ultrasonography on the 10th week of pregnancy confirms viability of a fruit and specifies gestation term.

Important inspection on the 10th week of pregnancy is blood test on sugar. It is handed over surely on an empty stomach. It is especially important to conduct a blood analysis on sugar at pregnant women 25 years are more senior, at the excess weight or hereditary burdeness on a diabetes mellitus. Pregnancy gives considerable load of all systems of bodies of a female body, and at persons from risk groups quite often during this period the diabetes mellitus begins.

Whether you know that:

Stomatologists appeared relatively recently. In the 19th century to pull out painful teeth belonged to duties of the ordinary hairdresser.