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11 week of pregnancy

On the 11th week of pregnancy active development and growth of a fruit, for this moment to it continues 9 weeks from the moment of conception.У плода на 11 неделе беременности уже развиты почки

Changes of a fruit

In length the fruit size on the 11th week of pregnancy makes up to 5 cm, and it weighs already 7-8 g, corresponding to large plum by the sizes. It is gradually straightened, the head still prevails over a trunk. Future child is able to stretch, lift a head, to bend big fingers of hands and to squeeze a palm in a fist. It actively reacts to irritations from the outside – sneezing and cough of mother, food eaten by her, etc.

Ears on the head of a fruit are put still low, and eyes are placed widely, but already in one plane.

At this time at future child the eye iris, phonatory bands, the first lymphocytes (blood cells) is formed. Laying of external genitals begins, and on ultrasonography on the 11th week of pregnancy the experienced specialist on the device of an expert class can sometimes define a fruit sex.

On the 11th week of pregnancy kidneys are already rather well developed, and the fruit can urinate in amniotic waters. In a placenta the number of veins increases, it completely finishes the formation, having undertaken all requirements of the growing fruit. Including the placenta carries out removal of metabolic products from amniotic waters in mother's blood. Thus, on kidneys of mother double loading not only because of increase in volume of blood in vessels, but also because it is necessary to work also for a fruit lays down.

Intestines walls on the 11th week of pregnancy make the first peristaltic movements – the training to digestion of food after the birth begins.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 11th week of pregnancy

On the 11th week of pregnancy most often there pass symptoms of early toxicosis, the health and mood improve. Though some women begin to complain of forgetfulness and scattered attention that can be connected with hormonal reorganizations.

The stomach circle on the 11th week of pregnancy increases a little. Generally it is connected with total magnification of weight of the pregnant woman and fatty deposits as the uterus did not go beyond a small pelvis yet. If twin or triplets are expected, then the stomach on the 11th week of pregnancy is swept already up clearly.

Also the breast increases in volume, the woman most often notes it on feeling of narrowness in former clothes. Allocations on the 11th week of pregnancy which can appear from breast nipples at this time are norm option. It is impossible to squeeze out them. Sometimes they remain up to childbirth.

Allocations on the 11th week of pregnancy from a vagina amplify in comparison with those that were before pregnancy. But if they whitish or transparent and inodorous, you do not worry.Живот на 11 неделе беременности слегка увеличивается

During this period the woman can feel the heat and inflows connected with increase in volume of blood in vessels and acceleration of a metabolism.

Recommendations to the woman on the 11th week of pregnancy

If the pregnant woman was not registered yet and did not undergo the appointed inspections, then recommend to make it as soon as possible. Early registration warns the adverse course of pregnancy.

On the 11th week of pregnancy it is necessary to avoid infection with viral infections, especially a rubella. This virus causes uglinesses of a fruit or even a still birth if the contact of the woman with it was for the first time.

Adversely anesthesia and x-ray inspection can influence a fruit, for example, at dental care. Some types of anesthesia are admissible only after 12 weeks.

Not to overload the pregnant woman's kidneys working already with excess loading, it is not necessary to abuse liquid, especially for the night. Otherwise it is impossible to avoid hypostases, it can have an adverse effect on health of a fruit.

At feeling of pain on the 11th week of the pregnancy localized in the bottom of a stomach or at bleedings from a vagina it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Whether you know that:

At regular visit of a sunbed the chance to develop a carcinoma cutaneum increases by 60%.