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22 week of pregnancy

On the 22nd week of pregnancy to future child of 20 weeks from the moment of fertilization, there is the sixth lunar month of pregnancy.Размер плода на 22 неделе беременности - 27 см

Changes of a fruit

On ultrasonography on the 22nd week of pregnancy length of a fruit reaches 27-28 cm, it weighs about 430-500 g.

The fruit brain on the 22nd week of pregnancy reaches the weight of 100 g, it contains a full range of nervous cells, and from this point its weight increases only at the expense of the increasing shoots. In a brain of future kid new connection therefore his reflexes become harder and harder are established.

The structure of skin of a fruit is in many respects already similar to skin of newborns, the system of tactile feelings is improved.

On the 22nd week of pregnancy there is a probability that after the birth the baby will survive. Interruption on this term is already considered not an abortion, but premature births. In official medicine the fruit on the 22nd week of pregnancy has chance to survival when it weighs not less than 500 g and length it reaches 25 cm. Such children practically always demand special conditions of nursing and support of breath, and sometimes and cordial activity.

Ability of a fruit to survive out of a maternal womb is defined by extent of development of his lungs, from this term in lungs alveoluses which look as peculiar respiratory sacks begin to be formed. They also make a basis of pulmonary fabric, in them gas exchange is made, and, therefore, there comes that age when the fruit can breathe.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 22nd week of pregnancy

The growing stomach on the 22nd week of pregnancy creates feeling of slowness at those women who and to it suffered from excess weight. Uterus height over a pubic joint on this term of 22 cm, an uterine fundus is higher than a navel on 2 cm. In case of polycarpous pregnancy the stomach on the 22nd week of pregnancy looks more, as at later term.

On the 22nd week of pregnancy it is possible to find hypostases standing, old rings on fingers can become close and cause discomfort – all this strong indications of hypostases. Besides, the obscure edemas are shown by an excess increase of weight that is one of symptoms of a late gestosis (hydrops gravidarum). The reason of a similar gestosis at all not in abuse of liquid, more difficult mechanisms work, including functions of kidneys and a placenta are broken. The gestosis has an adverse effect not only on health of mother, it worsens a condition of a fruit – intake to it of oxygen and nutrients is broken.

Usually allocations on the 22nd week of pregnancy from a vagina light, inodorous or slightly sourish so emergence of clots of a curdled consistence, pus or a large amount of slime can become display of an infection of a genital tract that can threaten the normal course of pregnancy and wellbeing of a fruit.Вес малыша на 22 неделе беременности - около 500 грамм

Plentiful watery allocations on the 22nd week of pregnancy are suspicious on dribble of amniotic waters, and it can be excluded by simple test.

Because of the increasing uterus weight the woman can feel discomfort and pains on the 22nd week of pregnancy in a groin and in a waist.

Inspection on the 22nd week of pregnancy

The doctor without fail will direct the woman to ultrasonography in 22 weeks of pregnancy if she did not pass it in 20-21 weeks. Even at the safe course of pregnancy this screening method of visualization is obligatory as it allows to estimate a fruit condition. Ultrasonography allows not only to carry out a fetometriya (to measure the main veso-growth indicators of a fruit), but also to define a sex, extent of maturing and thickness of a placenta, smaller malformations to 22 weeks of pregnancy.

Measurement of arterial pressure on reception most often will show reduced figures as the volume of the circulating blood considerably increased. Increase in pressure – one of symptoms of a late gestosis.

The weight increase on the 22nd week of pregnancy should not exceed 300-500 g a week, weekly control of body weight is recommended.

Whether you know that:

Stomatologists appeared relatively recently. In the 19th century to pull out painful teeth belonged to duties of the ordinary hairdresser.