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10 useful habits for health

Здоровое питание
Healthy food
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How it was difficult, force the brain to understand that there are products which it is necessary to refuse as a result to live long and healthy life. Concentrate on the use of vegetables, fruit, cereals and greens. Make the food correct. Besides, do not eat at once before going to bed, the calories received thus most often turn into fat and do not allow a stomach to have a rest, interrupting a normal sleep.
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Clear water – guarantee of good work of all bodies and systems of our body. Do not forget to drink a glass of water before food. Limit the use of black tea, coffee and strongly sweet drinks. Get a habit to have green tea, but only not when you need to satisfy thirst as similar drink will not enrich an organism with liquid, and, on the contrary, will bring her in a large number.
Режим дня
Day regimen
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Try to rise and go to bed at the same time. Having got used to the day regimen suitable for you, you will save an organism from stresses and overfatigue. Besides, accustom themselves to have breakfast, dinner and supper according to the mode, predefined for yourself that will ensure to you good functioning of a digestive tract and full discipline concerning food.
Физические упражнения
Physical exercises
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If you do not possess a large supply of free time and cannot visit sports sections and clubs, are not lazy to do morning exercises which will help to keep muscles in a tone. Not to lose interest in similar trainings, sometimes change exercises and loads of different types of muscles. It can be squats, turns, squeezing, inclinations, exercises with objects, etc.
Прогулки на свежем воздухе
Walks in the fresh air
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Do not forget about fresh air. You remember, it is possible to receive its greatest number only walking down the street. Airing of the room will not be able to replace walk in the park or just near the house. Every day walking within 1-1,5 hours, you receive pleasant communication, a charge of cheerfulness and good mood which surely will positively affect your acts and your environment.
Натуральная косметика
Natural cosmetics
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Try to develop a habit to look after the body. It is the best of all to do it by means of natural cosmetics which is not difficult for doing also in house conditions. Today there are many recipes and recommendations about production of creams which will force your skin not only to shine, but also not to care for emergence of age wrinkles.
Ограничьте употребеление алкоголя
Limit an alcohol upotrebeleniye
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Often drinking alcohol in the companies, try though occasionally to replace it with soft drink. Remember, it is possible to create good mood not only at the expense of the high degree which is in cocktails. Replace it with tonic and useful fruit and vegetable drinks which will add feeling of cheerfulness and will deprive of you a morning headache.
Полюбите себя
Fall in love with yourself
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Try to notice more often in yourself merits and to accept itself it what you are. Though sometimes indulge yourself, but you do not pass line not to become the egoist. Be engaged in improvement of the personality and communicate with positive people.
Чистота и порядок в доме
Purity and order in the house
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Accurately deciding to lead a healthy lifestyle, do not think that it is only healthy nutrition. Purity and an order around you also have to be on the ball. Do wet cleaning, air the room, get rid of stuff and old things most of which often serve as dust collectors and encumber precious centimeters of your premises.
Поверьте в себя
Believe in yourself
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Estimate all advantages of useful habits and follow them not because so do many. Understand that, first of all, it is necessary for you! Do not try to change cardinally at once the life and an image of things, usual for you. Begin with small. Only several useful habits will be able to change your life cardinally then you never want to be returned to what you were earlier.


Whether you know that:

The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.