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Beauty, youth and... hardware cosmetology

Какие процедуры доступны сегодня?
What procedures are available today?
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At the appeal to the cosmetology center the following procedures will be offered you at choice: ultrasonic cavitation, miostimulyation, pressoterapiya, vacuum and roller massage, thermolifting, photorejuvenation, biolifting, ultrasound, фонофорез, photoepilation and many others. Each of them is intended for the solution of specific problems and the experienced specialist has to define before what of them is necessary for you and whether you have contraindications.
Ультразвуковая кавитация и лимфодренаж
Ultrasonic cavitation and lymphatic drainage
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Ultrasonic cavitation will return to your body former outlines, will save from the formed fatty deposits. Ultrasound liquefies contents of lipoblasts which under the influence of a lymphatic drainage leave "familiar spots" and are brought out of an organism. At this procedure skin does not suffer, it does not droop as after an operative measure and the recovery period at ultrasonic cavitation is not required.
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The procedure of a miostimulyation provides placement on a body of the person of the portable electrodes greased with special conducting gel. Impulses of current force muscles to be reduced, bringing them into a tone. The effect of this procedure on face skin is swept especially up. There is a correction of an oval, the double chin disappears, baggies lower eyelids are smoothed, depth of wrinkles decreases.
Вакуумно-роликовый массаж
Vacuum and roller massage
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Vacuum and roller massage – a fine way of disposal of cellulitis. During the procedure blood supply of cells repeatedly amplifies, they are better saturated with oxygen and nutrients. This type of massage is often demanded also by men. A strong half of mankind solves in such a way a problem of fatty deposits in a stomach. Massage is pleasant in itself, and vacuum and roller doubly as it is more effective.
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Working with pressure of compressed air, the pressoterapiya device literally "squeezes out" a body. It brings excess liquid out of an organism that promotes reduction of body capacities, elimination of hypostases, disappearance of cellulitis. Together with liquid also stagnant toxins are removed. The organism along with cosmetology effect, gains effect recreational. After the session there occurs pleasant relaxation, in all body ease appears.
Безыгольная мезотерапия
Needleless mesotherapy
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In the name the way of influence of this procedure is ciphered. Without use of needles, all age changes will "be simply erased" by a grinding method from a face. Skin will become soft and smooth, shine of youth and healthy color will return to it. Wrinkles in eyes disappear, and your person looks freshened up. The resistant result requires not less than six sessions, but the gained effect is worth it.
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By means of a lipolazer it is possible to lose weight! After this phrase a good few of readers rushed in offices of cosmetologists. Influence of low-frequency laser energy which influencing triglycerides of lipoblasts is the cornerstone of operation of this device, transforms them to what will be acquired and processed by an organism. It is very similar to a natural metabolism that, undoubtedly, does this procedure even more attractive.
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For giving to elasticity skin the list of services of hardware cosmetology includes the procedure of thermolifting. During the procedure on skin make impact radio waves that collagen forces to be produced in skin cells. Such updating instantly affects skin, it comes to a tone and becomes tightened and smooth. You will not be disturbed any more by "goose pads", deep wrinkles and an indistinct face form.
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Photorejuvenation – the unique procedure eliminating many imperfections of skin. It deletes a nevus pigmentosus, signs of an acne, does less noticeable extensions. After photorejuvenation use skin has a fresh appearance and pleasant softness and velvet. This procedure especially suits those to whom contraindicated for health reasons use of chemical means and to those who do not accept an operative measure.
Ультразвуковой фонофорез
Ultrasonic фонофорез
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фонофорез is ultrasonic a combination of ultrasonic massage and medical cosmetics of a special purpose. Getting by means of ultrasound deeply into structure of fabrics, drugs have medical effect on deep layers of skin, inducing it to be recovered from within. Along with it micromassage is performed, muscles come to a tone, warming up of fabrics is provided, there is their active saturation oxygen.
Есть ли польза здоровью?
Whether there is an advantage to health?
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The hardware cosmetology guards not only beauty, but also health of all organism. Along with outward improvement, also positive changes in the state of health will be surely felt. Clarification of cells, massage, a conclusion of excess liquid and toxins from an organism highly will affect your health.
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Unfortunately, at some diseases it is impossible to use these or those methods of hardware cosmetology. What the attending physician can contraindicated establish to you. Surely it is necessary to consult at it before a campaign to the cosmetologist. Also each solid clinic without fail inspects the patient before appointing to him any procedure.


Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.