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Dinner for weight loss

Обед для похудения - диетические продукты It is known that for successful weight loss it is necessary to adhere to the balanced and healthy nutrition. Presently people got used to consider that the dinner for weight loss needs to be given to the enemy as it not only is useful for a figure, but also will not be injurious to health. And here nutritionists unanimously claim that this wrong opinion. The dinner has to be obligatory. Other question: as when is?

Dinner for weight loss: basic rules

For a start there is a wish to note that fact that if for day the organism receives necessary amount of food and useful substances for energy production, then for dinner the person does not have a so-called "brutal" appetite. But the dinner is not less important for weight loss, than food for day.

The dinner has to be in 2-3 hours prior to a dream. So, if you go to bed at 22:00, then it is necessary to have supper to you not later than at 19:00. It will promote the best digestion of food and will not load digestive tract. But you should not forget that by the evening the metabolism in an organism is considerably slowed down so it is necessary to refuse heavy food if there is a wish to achieve the best result.

Kefir or yogurt with small percent of fat content will help to satisfy insignificant hunger before going to bed. If you after a dinner any time are not going to go to bed, and the day diet made a small amount of calories, then with confidence can use favourite products in the evening.

Meat of chicken with vegetables, eggs or low-fat fish will become ideal option for a dinner. That the dinner for weight loss brought only benefit, it is necessary to refuse carbohydrates and fats. All the known opinion that it is one dinner better to eat an apple appears, it is wrong because apple only inflames feeling of hunger. Fruit are the same carbohydrates therefore it is better to replace them with vegetables. Fat grades of meat should be removed from a diet, and on replacement to use dietary meat of chicken, a turkey and rabbit.

Recipes of a dietary dinner have to consist of proteinaceous and carbohydrate products, and carbohydrates shall be difficult. In proteinaceous category of products seafood, bean and eggs, low-fat grades of meat and chicken can be used. Muesli, buckwheat, bran and porridge are the main components of cereal group of products.

The dinner and lunch for weight loss has to include a large number of vegetables for optimum saturation of an organism cellulose, at the same time in them it is a little calories. The laminaria, carrots, mushrooms, a celery, ginger and greens in different types will be useful. But cabbage remains the most useful vegetable, according to nutritionists. It contains a huge amount of the useful substances which are stimulating work of digestive tract, not disappearing in the course of thermal treatment.

Not bad are suitable during a dinner for weight loss such types of fruit as avocado, pears, grapefruits, pineapples, a kiwi, apples and peaches. And here nuts will be suitable in addition with low-calorie dairy products for a breakfast or a lunch for weight loss more.

Products on couple, in a foil, in a boiled look are and there is a guarantee of the expected result for weight loss.

Dinner for weight loss: non-compliance with rules

Holidays in the bosom of the family, meetings with friends at restaurant, picnics outdoors – all this quite often meets in human life which tries to lose weight. And it is not terrible, each person is able to afford to relax a little. Food for the night – yet not doomsday, and only a temporary weak point. If you allow similar weaknesses rather seldom, then about it and you should not worry.

And here if for you it logs in, then be defined what you want – to weigh a little or is much? Also you remember – the choice for you.

The opinion also is wrong that the dense dinner can be fulfilled, for example, in the gym, or to refuse then a breakfast to balance calories in an organism. Correct can only correct improper feeding! Therefore it is the best of all to reduce quantity of such wrong dinners for the sake of obtaining long-awaited result. It is just necessary to force to do everything correctly and to use a dinner for weight loss, but not saturation. And the result, as they say, will not keep itself waiting. In a month you and people around will see changes.

"Dinner minus" diet

There is a good system meaning the use of food before a certain time of day by the name a diet "A dinner minus". The world is obliged to thank the American nutritionists for providing such fine way of food. The basic rule of this diet is meal till 17:00 in the evening, and only drink of water and juice are resolved later. Of course, to a diet "A dinner minus" it is necessary to get used and carry out it constantly for obtaining result. But believe though kilograms will slowly leave, but it is stable, and the result will please with the stability.

Components of this diet are:

  • Refusal of a large amount of fats (it is worth not only using a dinner, but also a lunch for weight loss);
  • The use of a large amount of drinking water and any other liquid (except alcohol);
  • Preference to low-calorie products;
  • For breakfast it is possible to use any products;
  • Administration of amount of minerals, sufficient for organism, and vitamins B structure of food;
  • Food stuffs have to be environmentally friendly and useful to the person.

Dietary dinner - recipes

At all world kitchens there are recipes of dietary dinners which can compete with dishes of the highest kitchen in the originality and tastes. Let's consider several interesting recipes of a dinner for weight loss on everyone:

  • Диетический ужин - рецепты и калорииOmelet with greens and tomatoes. To shake up several eggs with fennel or parsley a nimbus before receiving homogeneous mass. To slice tomato small or circles. Then to steam an omelet. In a couple of minutes to add tomatoes and several slices of the firm cheese cut by pieces one centimeter thick to eggs. After to cover for final preparation of an omelet. To give a ready omelet with the Beijing cabbage cucumber and corn salad filled with couple of spoons of olive oil.
  • Chicken breast with stewed vegetables. To take 100 g of chicken breast without skin. To add largely cut carrots, a vegetable marrow, paprika, onions and the cauliflower sorted on inflorescences to it. To put all this in a stewpan, to salt, pepper and add several tablespoons of water. To put vegetables with breast cut on fire and to extinguish before full preparation. When giving to decorate a dish with greens and lettuce leaves.
  • Fruit cottage cheese casserole. To mix 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese with 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of flour and a small amount of berries or dried fruits. To lay out all turned-out weight in an antiprigarny form and to bake in an oven before receiving a golden crust. To give to green tea with low-fat yogurt sauce.

These are some variations of recipes of dietary dinners, but the reasonable quantity of food and its low caloric content remains the main rule.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.