Main > Slideshow> 8 stages of preparation for the birth of the kid

8 stages of preparation for the birth of the kid

Этап 1 - комната ребенка
Stage 1 - the room of the child
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If in the house the certain room is allocated to the kid, then, certainly, it will become the best option. It is possible to equip the nursery in advance, to spread out everything in the places, to think over comfortable system of lighting. The room has to be warm and light, with a possibility of airing. But even if you cannot lodge the kid in own apartments, once in advance he allocates the place in the general room.
Этап 2 - кроватка и коляска
Stage 2 - a bed and a carriage
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By the time of arrival from maternity hospital the berth of the child has to be ready. The bed should be equipped with a convenient mattress and to lay fresh bed linen. Today on sale there are children's mattress covers with a waterproof layer. Using such, you reliably protect a mattress from course. It is easy to remove and wash a mattress cover in the washing machine. The carriage is required to you for walks on the street.
Этап 3 - одежда для малыша
Stage 3 - clothes for the kid
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In specially allocated place (it can be the whole case or the certain shelf in it) spread out the washed and ironed child's things. You will need diapers warm and thin, baby's undershirts, caps and mittens-antitsarapki. Do not get many things for the newborn, kids very quickly grow, and you just will not manage to put on a lot of things. The child also needs a hat for walks on the street and warm overalls.
Этап 4 - одежда мамы
Stage 4 - mother's clothes
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For mother it is necessary to prepare convenient clothes too. You have to have bras for feeding, dressing gowns or t-shirts which are convenient for undoing to feed the kid. All clothes have to be from natural fabrics and in several copies. You should change clothes quite often. Prepare also a kerchief which will help you to take away accurately hair during feeding of the child.
Этап 5 - конверт на выписку
Stage 5 - an envelope on an extract
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That you had not to instruct from maternity hospital what to bring to you and the child on an extract, think of it in advance. Prepare things for yourself and an envelope for the child. Today on sale there are special envelopes for newborns where all necessary enters. Even if you did not get such envelope, collect it independently. Lay in a big package in advance and show to the family where it will be.
Этап 6 - гигиенические принадлежности
Stage 6 - hygienic accessories
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Buy necessary hygienic accessories to care of the child and allocate the special place for their storage. At you wet towel wipes, diapers, children's cream, sterile wadded disks, solution of manganese and brilliant green have to be prepared. For bathing get a tray, the thermometer, a sponge, bathing towels and children's means for bathing. For collecting dirty children's things at you the separate basket has to be installed.
Этап 7 - документы и телефон
Stage 7 - documents and phone
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The pregnant woman on hands has documents which she has to bring with herself to a maternity home. It is the passport, the insurance policy and the prenatal record. Prepare them in advance. Pains can begin absolutely unexpectedly for you, and you absolutely cannot leave these documents at home. Phone, as a rule, always is at us, but here charging should be prepared for it in advance and to put to things which you will take with yourself.
Этап 8 - инструктаж папы и родственников
Stage 8 - instructing of the father and relatives
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At the last stage before maternity hospital instruct for your house. Everyone has to know what to do if suddenly "began". In your absence someone will have to undertake all your obligations for the house which also some time after your return from maternity hospital is desirable to execute. You will be absorbed by cares of the child, and it will be independently quite difficult to cope with everything.


Whether you know that:

The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.