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Help the child to become happy

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Happy children are happy parents!
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Children repeat everything after the parents, try to copy them. Therefore in those families where parents are happy, children also feel happy. It is easy for them in a comfortable cozy situation where the love, kindness and sincere laughter reigns. Make efforts for creation of such atmosphere in your family and children will be glad to feel as a part of happy family.
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Ability to communicate with people around
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Ability to communicate with people around will not come to the child by itself. It needs to study, and your task to explain to the kid how to build up the relationship with other people. Communicating with the child, tell him about rules by which the relations in society are under construction, you teach it to react correctly to different situations, show how to leave the conflict. A practical advice from your experience will help the child to make friends with the peers.
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You learn to appreciate efforts
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Children, trying to achieve result, make the mass of efforts, but not always receive expected. And a task of adults to concentrate attention of the child not on result which is not visible at present, and by the efforts made by the child for his achievement. It will help not to be accented on failure and will allow to prove further. Besides the child will be happy that everything that he did, was noticed and estimated.
Проявляйте оптимизм
Show optimism
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Show optimism and you teach it your children. Optimists are happier because they look at life more surely and are inclined to notice more good, than bad. Show to the child the personal example that in any situation it is possible to see something positive and to use it for improvement of own life. Nobody will manage to avoid a negative, but to teach the child not lose courage from a meeting with troubles you can.
Не бойтесь своих эмоций
Be not afraid of the emotions
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Some parents, without wishing to injure mentality of the child, hide the emotions and even when to them it is bad, pull a smile on the person, representing happiness. It is impossible to deceive ostentatious happiness of the child because children thinly feel internal state of parents. Such reserve teaches them to insincerity. Be not afraid to be yourself, show that you the living person who is looking for sympathy and support, so you teach the child to empathize others.
Умейте радоваться малому
Be able to rejoice to small
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It is optional to wait when the child makes something global to be glad to his progress. Be able to find a reason for joy in everyday life. If you do it, and your child will learn to notice good that he for certain makes every day. And let this progress will be not such considerable as it would be desirable, that confidence which you present to the child, undoubtedly, will allow it to reach new heights.
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It would seem, self-discipline and happiness of a concept incompatible, but actually it not so. The child who is provided to himself and has no accurately voiced criteria, is deeply unhappy. To the contrary, that child who knows what he does why and what effects will be, feels much more surely. It is important to parents to convince him that the advantage of the correct acts can be visible not at once, but it by all means will be.
Играйте с ребенком
Play with the child
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Actually many children dream of such simple thing how to play with the father and mother. The most ordinary game can make the child happy because at this moment he feels the importance and proximity to parents. Not only the child, but also parents as at this time they can in a simple and available form to explain to him even difficult things profits from joint games.
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Is of great importance for the child whether parents trust it to resolve some issues independently. It does not mean that it is necessary to charge with all load of responsibility the child, it is necessary only to allow it to make the decisions corresponding to its age. In process of a growing it is possible to increase level of responsibility and thus to teach the child of independence. The trust of parents will awaken desire to acquit him in the child.
Жизнь интересна и увлекательна
Life is interesting and fascinating
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Let it will become the motto of your child since the childhood. It is much easier for people to whom everything is interesting to live as they are in continuous process. Leave with children on the nature, you go hiking, visit the museums, zoos, plan a visit of circus or start of a kite. If you gather during a holiday on a seashore – anticipate a trip together with the child, and you will see what happiness will light his big children's eyes!


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