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We care about health of eyes

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Do breaks in work
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Today work of many is connected with the computer. The hours spent at the monitor cannot but affect on health of eyes. They are tired, dryness appears. Breaks lasting 20 seconds will help with such situation. It is a lot of if to do them each 20 minutes. Come off the monitor and look at 20 meters forward within 20 seconds. Applying the rule 20/20/20, you will notice that eyes will be tired less by the end of the working day.
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Eat products "for eyes"
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Products which can improve sight have to be in a diet of each person. They not so are not enough and the most known of them are carrots. In it high content of vitamin A, irreplaceable for health of eyes. Also whole grains, a citrus, greens and products with the content of zinc will be useful: peas, haricot, peanut. Such food will well affect not only sight, but also vessels, and together with them and for work of a brain.
Осторожнее с контактными линзами
More carefully with contact lenses
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Some people prefer to use contact lenses instead of points. As lenses have very close contact with eyes, it is necessary to observe special precautionary measures to prevent possible complications. So, before putting or removing lenses, surely wash up hands with soap. In time change lenses and you store in strict accordance with rules.
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Read instructions to drugs
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Some medicines can have an adverse effect on sight. Similar are among analgetics, antibiotics, antidepressants, diuretics, in the calming and anticonvulsant drugs, antihypertensives and oral konratseptiva. To avoid deterioration in sight, before administration of drug learn from the doctor about his side effects.
Регулярно посещайте офтальмолога
Regularly visit the ophthalmologist
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All people irrespective of a condition of their sight should visit the ophthalmologist regularly. To people up to forty years, to the persons which are not using points and children is more senior than three years it is necessary to visit the specialist every two years. That who uses points or contact lenses and also to people is more senior than forty years it is necessary to visit the ophthalmologist once a year.
Защищайте глаза от ультрафиолета
Protect eyes from ultraviolet
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Ultraviolet radiation becomes responsible for such diseases as a cornea burn, a cataract and some other. Beams of the sun during the summer period are especially dangerous. For protection of eyes against harmful radiation you wear sunglasses. It will provide you comfortable stay in the fresh air in a bright sunny weather and will save your eyes from serious diseases.
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Use goggles
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Safety rules say that during the work with harmful and dangerous substances it is necessary to protect as much as possible any open surface of skin and eye. This rule is applicable also in house conditions if we perform works which can represent risk for health of our eyes. Goggles will help to protect organs of sight. It is necessary to protect eyes from possible injuries also to athletes whose equipment provided goggles.
Внимательнее к проблемам зрения
More attentively to sight problems
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If you had unpleasant feelings, an itch or reddening in eyes, use eye drops or make a cold compress. At emergence of "sand in eyes" wash out them physical solution or ordinary clear water. But if you are disturbed by pains, puffiness of eyes, "light flashes" or often "emerge" dark stains, then it is a serious reason for the address to the doctor.
Расскажите о ваших заболеваниях
Tell about your diseases
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Information on your current diseases and last diseases can be necessary for the ophthalmologist for the correct diagnosis and purpose of the corresponding treatment. How they can influence sight? For example, diabetes and high pressure reduce blood inflow that does not allow eye cells to receive good nutrition. Multiple sclerosis, cancer and aneurism can also provoke deterioration in sight.
Не пользуйтесь просроченной косметикой
Do not use expired cosmetics
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Upon purchase pay attention to cosmetics period of validity. If the price suspiciously low, then perhaps a product on an outcome of the validity. To use such ink, eye shadow, creams, lotions and other cosmetics it is unsafe. They can become the excellent environment for development of bacteria. Those who suffers from any form of an allergy need to show consideration for cosmetics choice even more.
Откажитесь от курения
Refuse smoking
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Smoking causes many troubles to an organism and one of them – deterioration in sight. The smoking people have a risk of development of a cataract and a syndrome of a dry eye is several times higher, than at non-smoking. Nicotine harmful influences arteries and worsens blood supply of organs of sight. In certain cases it leads to peeling of a retina and causes sight loss.


Whether you know that:

More than 500 million dollars a year are spent for allergy medicine only in the USA. All of you still believe that the way to finally win against an allergy will be found?