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15 steps to an ideal image

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Smile as often as possible
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Tell, you sometime considered ugly the smiling person? The person which is lit up by a smile is beautiful. When you smile, you not just look happy, you it also become as the brain receives a certain prearranged signal. In addition you transfer the same impulses to people around and, as a rule, the smile presented to other person instantly becomes mutual.
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You watch a bearing
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Taught this rule all young ladies of society. The girl who is keeping head up with an equal back and correctly put shoulders always made an impression of the self-assured person. Work over the bearing – raise the head, straighten a back and straighten shoulders. You instantly feel inflow of confidence and will take pride for yourself. Having got a royal bearing, you will also feel the queen!
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Positive spirit
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The positive spirit will become one more step on the way to an ideal. The task is in believing in itself, and to stop thinking that the nature deprived you of beauty. Actually everything that is imposed to us by advertizing, is not true and idols of millions in usual life look at all better, than all others. Concentrate on the merits, and your beauty will become obvious and for you.
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Open the identity
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You sometime faced such phenomenon when the beautiful person as soon as began to tell something, or made some actions, right there lost attractiveness in your eyes? So occurs because in addition to appearance inner world to most of which of people attaches bigger significance is important. Open own identity, and you will understand as far as the attitude towards you does not depend on how you look.
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Be able to see joy of life
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When you to something sincere rejoiced last time? For example, to beauty of a decline, tenderness of flowers, star sky. Do not allow routine affairs to deprive of you joy of life. And especially you should not do it because of complexes concerning appearance. If you are not accented on them moreover and to tell about them to others, then nobody will notice them because they mostly exist only in your imagination.
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Work the graceful movements
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We always admire people at whose movements there is a grace. Also notice, not all of them have treasured parameters of a figure. There is a grace does not belong only to thin persons and the lady with curvy shapes can be far more graceful, than model. Work over the movements, master some subtleties and you will notice that to you pay more attention, than to those whom you consider more beautiful.
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Be kind
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Kindness does the person beautiful. With such person there is a wish to be, to communicate and just to go on life nearby. It becomes the finest as near it it is warm and cozy. You are for certain familiar with expression "cold beauty". Unless it attracts? No, it can admire at distance. Develop in yourself kindness, and heat of your soul will make you the most beautiful person on light.
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Be not overzealous
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Some in a pursuit of beauty so exhaust themselves that look emaciated. Fatigue, a hungry look, irritability – a small part of what expects the people fixated on the appearance. Beautiful to look in that case quite problematic. Also you should not be fond of a make-up and fashionable clothes too. Gloss in eyes, fresh skin, a sincere smile and cheerful nature – here components of true beauty.
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Be engaged in creativity
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Pay attention to how creative people look. They are distinguished by breadth of views, quick-wittedness, creativity and huge diligence. You can become similar to them too and at the same time it is unimportant in what sphere you will create. It can be gardening, knitting, sewing, a molding or drawing. To express the main thing itself and to transfer the feeling of beauty to a tangible form.
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Become an inspiration source
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Set to yourself object not just most to escape from fetters of gloomy thoughts, but also to become an inspiration source for others. Having learned to love himself not for appearance, and for rich inner world and own identity, you will be able to become an example for others and to induce on changes in the life. Creating beauty, you share it with people around, all available ways. It will help to live beautifully irrespective of circumstances.
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Be closer to the nature
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Perhaps, you noticed that getting to a bosom of the nature, the person internally changes. Fussiness disappears, thoughts become quieter, the tide of life as if is slowed down. Recent events begin to seem far, not too important and there comes the period when you as if merge with surrounding you Wednesday. Periodically feeling such unification with the nature, you strengthen the emotional and mental health.
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Get rid of addictions
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Addictions destroy beauty, so, it is necessary to get rid of them. Ease which you feel will add to you self-confidence and own forces. Not only it will become easier for an organism. Overcoming dependence and finding of freedom from an addiction – the key moment in development of the personality. And strengthening of health which always follows at the correct way of life will become a pleasant gift for the made efforts.
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Dances and beautiful music
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For a long time, when there was no all that the modern person has, music and dances were the integral sign of human society. Today the sphere of entertainments offers the huge choice, but they should not be fond. Instead listen to beautiful music and dance. You can be engaged in it professionally, having registered in studio, and you can just dance houses. The main thing that it brought you only positive emotions.
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It is more than communication
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The person is created with the need for communication. Perhaps you never felt soul of the company, but time to change it came now. Think here of what – you possess what you can share with other people. Your experience, a view of the world, cultural wealth deserve that to share them. Expand the circle of contacts. New acquaintances and events will allow you to remain on a wave, but not to feel behind a board.
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Be grateful
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And at last, be grateful! Be able to thank for all good that happens to you. And for this purpose it is necessary to learn this good to notice. Take yourself for the rule, every day to find a reason for gratitude. Analyze the day and note what positive happened and as it improved your life. If you find at least one reason for gratitude – already well. Over time you learn to see more.


Whether you know that:

When lovers kiss, each of them loses 6,4 calories a minute, but at the same time they exchange nearly 300 species of various bacteria.