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What habits are dangerous to vessels and heart

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Alcohol abuse
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In moderate quantities alcohol is useful to health. But! The useful daily dose should not exceed 0,34 liters of beer or 0, 11 liters of wine. Regular exceeding of this dose is fraught with various complications, such as increase in arterial pressure, an idiopathic hypertensia, excess weight. Obesity significantly increases risk of cardiovascular diseases, and alcoholic beverages are very caloric.
Tobacco smoking
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For anybody not a secret that cigarettes slowly kill heart. Cigarettes contain harmful pitches and toxins which significantly reduce concentration of oxygen in blood, and nicotine stimulates powerful emission in an organism of hormones of dopamine and adrenaline that causes jumps of arterial pressure. Besides, not only active, but also passive smokers who are forced to inhale harmful tobacco smoke get into risk group.
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This disease not only irritates all surrounding, but also is hazardous to health as is one of symptoms of an obstructive apnoea of a dream. The apnoea is characterized by interruptions of breath as a result of narrowing of upper respiratory tracts, and causes sharp increase in arterial pressure.
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Insufficient hygiene of teeth
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It appears, the regular admission of the hygienic procedure of teeth leads to accumulation of harmful bacteria which in an oral cavity of the person there are more than 350. If in time not to eliminate them, then these bacteria lead to bleeding of gums, damage of capillaries and infection of blood. The majority of causative organisms in a mouth promote blood jelling that leads to formation of blood clots and a stroke.
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In our mentality the tradition of uncontrolled and plentiful absorption of food is put. As a rule, it is fat delicacies, various pickles and smoked products, it is a lot of attendees at feasts and holidays. The large volume of food loads not only digestive tract, but also creates the strengthened pressure upon blood vessels of an abdominal cavity that speeds up heartbeat.
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Love to red meat
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Red meat is a pork, mutton, beef. Such meat contains a set of saturated fats which increase cholesterol level in blood. There is a risk of obstruction of vessels (atherosclerosis) and stroke.
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Addiction to salt
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The use of salt in large numbers detains liquid in an organism. It leads to the fact that heart has to for a small amount of time to pump over bigger amount of blood. Thus, addiction to salt leads to increase in load of heart and pressure upon vessels that, in turn, leads to increase in arterial pressure.
Малоподвижный образ жизни
Slow-moving way of life
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Sedentary work and passive rest in the form of viewing of movies and transfers, communication on the Internet, promote a set of weight and emergence of shortage of oxygen in an organism. All this leads to increase in level of cholesterol and sugar in blood that negatively influences a condition of blood vessels and cordial activity.
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Excessive exercise stresses
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Sports activities, undoubtedly, are one of guarantees of health. But with genetic predisposition to diseases of vessels and heart it is important to people to know restrictions and to observe a measure of trainings. For cores the best sports are swimming, long walks in the fresh air which not only improve activity of all organism, but also give pleasure.
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The alarming state, depression, disappointment – the main symptoms of a depression – add load of heart, negatively affect its work that leads to interruptions of cordial activity. Experts advise people, everything taking very much to heart, not to hide the emotions, and to share the thoughts with close people. It is possible even to cry and go into hysterics if it allows to get rid of a negative.
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Many people consider that loneliness – guarantee of health. Nobody spoils mood, imposes the point of view and provokes to the conflict. But life shows that just married couples which regularly quarrel are healthier and happy in life. It is simple to explain this phenomenon. If you are not lonely, so you are necessary to someone, someone cares for you and worries, and it adds internal confidence and tranquility.
Равнодушие к собственному здоровью
Indifference to own health
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Patients who are indifferent to a condition of the health negligently treat recommendations of doctors, miss regular inspections, do not lead a healthy lifestyle, etc. All this creates ideal conditions for development of various diseases. To remain live, it is important to find timely a disease and to accurately follow all appointments of doctors. Therefore it is necessary to observe measures of prevention and in time to be inspected.


Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.