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We select to the kid the nurse

А нужна ли няня?
And whether the nurse is necessary?
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The question is interesting, especially if it sets mother who already appointed an interview with the potential applicant to a role of the nurse. Such doubts trap mummy, up to the end not sure and not ready to leave the child on care of foreign woman. Before calling in the agency and to invite the person, be convinced that you are psychologically ready and at the last minute you will not change the mind.
Материальные затраты
Material inputs
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In addition to readiness psychological, you have to be ready to material inputs on payment of work of the nurse. Of course, each mother knows that it is necessary to pay for services of the nurse, but it has to realize that these payments have to be timely and regular. Nobody will begin "to understand your position" and to wait for payment for months. Therefore in advance think over reserve options, on a case of unexpected circumstances.
График работы няни
Working schedule of the nurse
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During the interview surely discuss hours of its work with the nurse, having discussed all possible options. Perhaps, it will be full either part-time, or individually made schedule. Anyway neither for you, nor for the nurse then there should not be surprises. Everything that you ask overtime, you will need to pay in addition. Talk about duties – that the nurse has to do and what, on the contrary, should not.
Тщательная подготовка
Thorough training
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Not only the pretender to a role of the nurse has to prepare carefully for an interview, but also parents of the kid have to prepare the questions for it and formulate selection criteria. It is important to them to define limits of age of the nurse, existence at it of experience and education in advance. During the conversation it is necessary to ask the specifying questions, to watch closely behavior of the nurse and to experience – whether you can leave the child with this person.
Пробный день
Trial day
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After the interview appoint trial day in which you will be able to observe how the nurse and your child perceive each other. If two persons apply for the post of the nurse and both were pleasant to you, then give chance and to the second, having organized other trial day. In this case you will be able already to choose, comparing both candidates and reaction of the kid to each nurse.
Важная информация
Important information
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If you were defined and chose the nurse, then see to it about that you about it had a complete information. It will not be superfluous as you trust it the most valuable that you have – the child. Undoubtedly, nurses from the agency well check, but sometimes there are also slips. Collect information on the real place of residence of the person, his relatives, copy documents. Not superfluous will be to learn also about the state of health.
Цените хорошую няню
You appreciate the good nurse
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Remember the best efforts used for search of the good nurse. If you such found, do everything possible that it remained the only nurse of your child. It will not just facilitate life to you as searches of the new nurse lead to a stress and need again to find trust, it will be simpler also to the child, he gets used to the nurse, and for him parting with it will be very painful.
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