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How to eat at heart troubles

Пару слов о лечебном питании
Couple of words about clinical nutrition
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Clinical nutrition is the integral component in complex therapy of any disease including pathologies of cordial activity. It stops progressing of diseases, warns possible complications and is natural prevention of diseases. The main principle of clinical nutrition – food has to be various and full.
Лечебное питания при болезнях сердца
Medical food at heart troubles
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The medical dietotherapy at heart troubles promotes stabilization of functions of cardiovascular system, stimulates blood circulation, normalizes water-salt balance, brings the collected slags out of an organism, removes puffiness, improves functions of digestive organs and a metabolism. All this leads to improvement of health of the patient, and, therefore, lightens also the mood.
Калорийность рациона
Diet caloric content
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At heart diseases the caloric content of a daily diet has to be defined with gender and age of the patient, mass of his body, the nature of a disease, and also the ordered mode and the nature of working activity.
Ограничение потребления соли
Salt consumption restriction
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The less salt is consumed by the patient, the his blood pressure will be lower. To reduce salt consumption – one of dietotherapy components at heart diseases and kidneys. The low-salt diet promotes a lowering of arterial pressure, reduces risk of developing of cardiovascular diseases by 26%, heart attacks – for 10%, and strokes – for 13%. You watch that per day the use of salt did not exceed 4-6 g.
Ограничение жидкости
Liquid restriction
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Hypostases are characteristic of cardiovascular diseases. To avoid this complication, it is necessary to limit consumption of liquid to 1-1,5 liters a day taking into account first courses and drinks. It is also necessary to limit the use of the drinks exciting an organism, such as alcohol, coffee, strong tea.
Мясомолочные продукты
Meat and dairy products
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Low-fat grades of meat and fish, and also milk and fermented milk products have to enter a medical diet at heart troubles. It is desirable to cook meat and fish in a double boiler or to bake in an oven.
Фрукты и овощи
Fruit and vegetables
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On consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables at cardiovascular diseases there is no restriction. On the contrary, they need to be eaten as much as possible as they promote removal of cholesterol from an organism and toxic substances.
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White sugar negatively influences work of a cardiac muscle, causing shortage of thiamin that can lead over time even to dystrophy of heart muscular tissue or extravasated accumulation of liquid, and it is the direct road to a cardiac standstill. Therefore it is necessary to limit the use of cakes, candies, ice cream and other sweets. The organism has no physiological need for white sugar.
Микроэлементы и витамины
Microelements and vitamins
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Microelements and vitamins are necessary for full work of a cardiac muscle. Vitamins strengthen immunity and walls of vessels, increase body resistance to stresses and stabilize work of all bodies and systems, facilitating thereby work of a myocardium.
Разгрузочные дни
Fasting days
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Weekly it is useful to arrange fasting days (rice, apple, kefiric and cottage cheese, etc.). But it does not belong to strongly weakened organism. It is useful to adhere to the patient to the fast days recommended by a church calendar. However you should not be zealous too, a main objective of a church post – not restriction in food, and spiritual clarification, disposal of negative thoughts.
Режим питания
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The patient's food with a cardiovascular illness has to be fractional (4-6 times a day). It is better for Portia to make small, but frequent. The large volume of food accepted by the patient at one time renders the strengthened load of cordial activity. The last meal has to take place in 3-4 hours prior to a dream.


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Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.