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How to get rid of jealousy

Проявление ревности
Manifestation of jealousy
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How to understand that the jealousy crept in the relations? It can appear both at the beginning of the relations, and later for many years in marriage. There are several symptoms specifying that the relations of two loving people are saddened by jealousy: suspicions begin to torment the person, there is a mass of questions which he is not able to answer, the partner in life causes in it irritation and at the same time there is a pathological fear to lose it.
Кому хуже?
To whom it is worse?
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Who in this situation suffers more: the one who is jealous or the one who is jealous? Badly to both that, and another. The jealousy undermines the person from within, forces to suffer and to constantly look for proofs of love. But also the one who is jealous has a constant stress, it should come true again and again, to suffer scandals, dismantling and charges in the address. Such pressure can sustain not everyone.
Разберитесь в себе
Understand yourself
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The first step which needs to be made for disposal of jealousy – to try to understand itself. It is not so simple, especially, if to consider psychological state in which the person will do it. Sit in silence, analyze a situation, admit to yourself that you in the power of jealousy. If to ignore this feeling, then and desire to struggle with it will not arise. Recognition of a problem – a half of success in its decision!
А есть ли повод?
And whether there is an occasion?
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After you clearly realized what you are jealous the partner in life, try to answer a question – and whether there is a reason for jealousy? Only do not connect personal offenses to the analysis, be objective as though took a detached view of a situation. Many women, distributing advice to girlfriends, are able to distinguish the original reasons for jealousy from far-fetched, and here in relation to itself the same causes in them difficulties.
Не бойтесь поговорить
Be not afraid to talk
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If you are not abandoned by feeling that the reason for jealousy exists, then instead of exhausting itself suspicions and to make regular scandals – talk to the partner in life. Explain what disturbs you, and ask to tell everything honestly. On reaction of the spouse you will understand a lot of things. But it is possible only if asking questions, you avoided spiteful, malicious tone and were extremely quiet and is sincere.
Избегайте голословных обвинений
Avoid unfounded charges
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To accuse someone of something, it is necessary to have the evidence of fault. In a case with jealousy only of one suspicions and feelings it is not enough to say directly to the man of his word about treason. It will strongly wound the spouse who is not guilty of anything. Before bringing such serious charge think and whether you have authentic proofs or everything that you can show is your conjectures and internal feelings.
Постарайтесь отвлечься
Try to distract
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If to keep thinking of something, then finally it is possible to believe in it. Feeding jealousy with negative thoughts, you will not get rid of it. Instead concentrate on what brings you joy. Perhaps, you heard that thoughts can materialize and therefore it is necessary to attract strenuously to the house positive energy in the form of kind, positive thoughts.
А если все-таки измена?
And if after all treason?
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If your suspicions were confirmed and the fact of treason is available, then it is the best of all to make the final decision concerning your relations when the first emotions subside. Psychologists advise to go to this moment as in a condition of extreme excitement, the person can make acts for which he will strongly regret then. It is a little остыв, think what could serve as the reason and whether it is possible to save the relations if you are ready to it.


Whether you know that:

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