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Bananas: advantage and harm

Источник энергии
Energy source
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Bananas – a fine energy source. For certain you quite often saw that many athletes in breaks between games or competitions eat bananas. They do it as know that bananas in the shortest possible time can recover forces, give a charge of cheerfulness and energy.
Источник калия
Potassium source
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In bananas there is a lot of potassium. 3 bananas a day fill its standard daily rate. Potassium is necessary for the person for full work of cardiovascular system. For this reason doctors recommend to use bananas to the people sick with arrhythmia and a hypertension. By the way, hypotensives should not be fond of bananas as they lower pressure. Also bananas will be useful to the people having hypostases as promote removal of excess liquid.
Бананы полезны при гастрите
Bananas are useful at gastritis
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Pulp of banana contains pectin and starch which create the enveloping effect in a stomach. Also doctors recommend to use bananas at gastritis as they, unlike apples, pears and many other fruit, have softer structure.
Бананы помогают избавиться от изжоги
Bananas help to get rid of heartburn
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Bananas can help you at a heartburn attack. They absorb a gastric juice and bring it out of a stomach. However you should not perceive banana as a panacea, he only removes a symptom (pain) at heartburn. At constant attacks it is necessary to address to hospital and to find out a cause of illness.
Борьба с курением
Fight against smoking
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The people trying to leave off smoking need to use bananas regularly. This fruit contains high amount of A1, C, B6, B12 vitamins which help to overcome nicotinic withdrawal pains. And the B1 vitamin which is contained in banana well calms a nervous system.
Бананы поднимают настроение!
Bananas lighten the mood!
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Bananas contain the substance very similar to so-called "hormones of happiness" - endorphines. And it means that bananas are not only fine having a snack and an energy source, but also lighten the mood! Therefore if to you it became suddenly sad – eat a bananchik, and everything will pass.
Бананы нельзя маленьким детям?
Bananas it is impossible for small children?
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Scientists claim that the human body most well digests that food which is usual for its area. And bananas, as is well-known – fruit overseas. For this reason, despite very great popularity of bananas as feedings up to babies, they are not recommended to use to children up to three years.
В бананах много калорий
In bananas there are a lot of calories
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Bananas – quite caloric fruit at the expense of the high content of starch. In 100 g about 90 kcal contain. Therefore people with an excess weight need to limit their quantity in a diet. And here those who, on the contrary, dream to recover can burst bananas how many will want. By the way, because of contents in bananas of sugar people cannot use them with a diabetes mellitus.
Бананы стимулируют выработку гемоглобина
Bananas stimulate production of hemoglobin
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This property of banana can be both useful, and harmful at the same time. So, the use of bananas will do people with insufficient coagulability of blood only good. To the contrary, if you have strongly thick blood, bananas can do harm.
Радиоактивность бананов
Radioactivity of bananas
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At bananas there is an isotope potassium 40 therefore they are radioactive. There is even such concept – "a banana equivalent" which is used for the characteristic of radioactivity of a source by means of comparison with the radioactivity of bananas.
Интересные факты о бананах
The interesting facts about bananas
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DNA of banana and the person match for 50%. In Africa from bananas cook exotic beer. By the way, there are many kinds of this fruit. So, for example, there are apple bananas, dwarfish, and also red and even black! From the botanical point of view banana is not fruit as fruit is a fruit of a bush or tree. And banana is a grass and it is necessary to call its fruits berries.


Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.