Main > Drugs> Abisil


Раствор для местного и наружного применения масляный АбисилAbisil – the drug of a plant origin for external use rendering the wound healing, anesthetizing, local antiinflammatory, antibacterial and anti-exudative action, possessing a wide range of antimicrobic activity concerning gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (including antibiotic-resistant strains), improving microcirculation, accelerating process of epithelization.

Form of release and structure

Dosage form – solution for topical and external use oil: oily dense liquid with a specific smell from milky-white till yellow color; at storage stratification which disappears when stirring is possible (on 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 50 ml in dark glass bottles or on 15, 20 or 25 ml in bottles droppers, in a pack a cardboard 1 bottle).

Active agent in 1 g of solution: abisit (terpenes of a fir Siberian) – 0,2 g, including bornyl acetate – 10%.

As an auxiliary component sunflower oil is used.

Indications to use

In otorhinolaryngology:

  • Rhinitis;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Eustachitis;
  • Nasopharyngitis;
  • Otitis;
  • Tonsillitis;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • States after a tonsilectomy.

In dermatology:

  • Pyoderma;
  • Erysipelatous inflammation.

In stomatology:

  • Ulitis;
  • Periodontosis;
  • Alveolitis;
  • Stomatitises;
  • Complications at denture treatment.

In all-surgical practice: pyoinflammatory diseases of soft tissues and skin (frostbites and burns, decubituses, fistulas, it is long not healing purulent posttraumatic and postoperative wounds, trophic ulcers, abscesses and phlegmons, including maxillofacial area).


The only strict contraindication to Abisil's use is the individual intolerance of the components which are its part.

Route of administration and dosage

Abisil is applied locally and outwardly. Before use it is necessary to shake up a bottle.

The recommended schemes of use:

  • Pyoinflammatory diseases of soft tissues and skin: drug is applied after preliminary surgical treatment of a wound surface with a uniform thin layer by 1-2 times a day during, as a rule, 5-10 days – before emergence of fresh granulations, islands of an epithelium or to full epithelization;
  • Inflammatory processes in maxillofacial area: the sterile tampons impregnated with solution enter into postoperative wounds and pockets of phlegmons and abscesses after their preliminary opening and surgical treatment. The procedure is carried out daily within 5-7 days;
  • Oral cavity diseases: to apply the turundas moistened with drug or to process the struck cover mucosal surface 2 or 3 times a day;
  • Otitises: to enter the tampon moistened with solution into outside acoustical pass;
  • Rhinitises and sinusitis: on 1-2 drops to dig in in each nasal course 3-4 times a day;
  • Antritis: to administer the drug in a Highmore's bosom after its preliminary sanitation;
  • Tonsillitis and other inflammatory diseases of a throat: 2-3 times a day to process solution mucous membranes;
  • Skin diseases: 1-3 times a day to apply drug with a thin layer on affected areas. Duration of treatment is defined individually depending on a look and weight of a course of a disease.

Side effects

Abisil is had well, after drawing perhaps short-term burning. At patients with hypersensitivity to essential oils allergic reactions can develop.

Special instructions

It is not necessary to apply Abisil on wet skin.

Not to allow hit of drug in eyes if all this occurred – to wash out eyes water.

Medicinal interaction

Abisil it is not necessary to appoint in a combination with other means for external use.

Terms and storage conditions

To store in the unavailable to children, protected from light, dry place at a temperature not above 25 °C.

Period of validity – 4 years.

Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.