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The anesthesiologist is a medical specialist who is engaged in providing anesthesia (anesthesia, loss of painful sensitivity) at various surgical interventions, and also painful, posttraumatic and depressed cases.

Анестезиолог - специалист, обеспечивающий безболезненность хирургических операций

The anesthesiologist enters anesthetic to the patient and provides maintenance of its organism during operation.

Profession history

Anesthesia is the medical specialization which is engaged in reduction of sensitivity and anesthesia of a certain body or a part of a body. The first anesthesiologists appeared in the Middle Ages. They deprived of patients of sensitivity by blow to the head by any heavy subject. During a loss of consciousness the first medieval doctors performed the operations.

For the first time the terms "anesthesia" and "anaesthesiologist" were entered by the Greek philosopher Dioskorid in the 1st century BC. In the same time began to use the first narkotikopodobny substances for anesthesia and an anesthesia which entered the patient into a condition of a dream.

Later at 16-17 centuries the European scientists began to develop the uniform concept of anesthesiology, and in the 20th century in the USA the doctrine about anesthesia and scientific base of specialty the anesthesiologist appeared.

In the 19th century the American doctors performed operations using ether as anesthetics. Soon the anesthesiology began to represent not only anesthesia during surgical interventions, but also providing a stable condition of the patient, the choice of means of anesthesia and life support.

The main direction of anesthesiology is studying of an acute pain and morbid conditions. The anesthesiologist is closely connected with resuscitation as he supports the patient's organism during operation.

In the 20th century the anesthesiology began to represent complex science which problems are anesthesia, muscle relaxation and premedication.

Specifics of medical activity of the anesthesiologist

The anesthesiologist is a doctor who ensures safety of patients during the operational and postoperative period. Interaction with the patient begins before operation, the doctor studies a case history and diagnostic testimonies of the patient, reveals the level of complexity of operation and leads a discussion with the patient or with his parents / relatives.

Before carrying out operation on a table of the anesthesiologist existence of an allergy at the patient is defined on various anesthetizing drugs, the mental and physical condition of the patient is estimated. If the patient is in mentally unstable state, then the anesthesiologist administers the drugs of soothing action.

Before operation the anesthesiologist enters an anesthesia, and connects the patient to the medical ventilator, and during operation controls a condition of the patient and his indication (pulse, arterial pressure, body temperature, etc.). After carrying out operation the doctor within several days controls a condition of the patient.

On the operating table the anesthesiologist has to create optimal conditions for carrying out surgical manipulations. The assistant to the anesthesiologist is the medical sister / brother – the anesthetist.

Professional qualities and duties of the anesthesiologist

The anesthesiologist has to have high knowledge in the field of fundamental medicine. Before operation this doctor needs to inspect completely the patient and to choose a type of anesthetic. At the general anesthesia of the patient connect to devices of artificial life support and enter a special tube into a trachea.

If during operation the patient is in a critical state, then the anesthesiologist has to carry out special measures for stabilization of his state – an indirect cardiac massage, a bleeding stop, additional anesthesia, etc.

After operation this doctor gradually brings the patient out of an anesthesia, comes with it into contact and controls its state.

Duties of the anesthesiologist are strict respect for medical ethics, attentiveness, competence and constant escort of the patient during the operational period.

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