Main > Drugs> Artemizin-S


Таблетки Артемизин-SArtemizin-S – the dietary supplement applied to treatment of helminthic invasions and protozoan infections, and also some other diseases.

Form of release and structure

Artemizin-S produce in the form of tablets 0,5 g (on 90 pieces in a plastic can).

Content of vegetable components is to 1 tablet:

  • Thyme – 50 mg;
  • Wormwood grass – 60 mg;
  • Extract of the St. John's Wort which is made a hole – 10 mg;
  • Flowers of a tansy ordinary – 80 mg;
  • Peppermint leaves – 50 mg;
  • Extract of a wormwood ordinary – 20 mg;
  • Carnation flowers – 30 mg;
  • Buckthorn bark extract – 30 mg;
  • Hop extract – 10 mg;
  • Ninety-knot extract – 15 mg;
  • Carnation oil – 0,5 mg.

Indications to use

Artemizin-S possesses the antifungal, antiinflammatory, knitting, phytoncidal and antibacterial action. The vegetable components having antivermicular properties are its part. Drug renders the paralyzing effect and more than hundred types of helminths, parasites and protozoa at an enterobiosis, an ascaridosis, trichinosis, an opisthorchosis, a dochmiasis, a tsestidoza, a gimenolipedoza and a lambliasis affect as mature, and intermediate stages.

In addition, Artemizin-S:

  • Has spasmolytic effect, relaxing smooth muscles of intestines, bilious channels and ureters, and also removes spasms of a gall bladder, stomach, large and small intestine;
  • Regulates exchange processes at the cellular level and eliminates symptoms of a fabric hypoxia;
  • Promotes recovery of normal intestinal microflora, and also normalization of a vermicular movement and elimination of processes of fermentation and rotting;
  • Renders yazvo-and the wound healing, clearing and protecting effect. Artemizin-S reduces spasms of blood vessels, strengthens walls of capillaries and improves blood supply of internals;
  • Improves renal filtering;
  • Promotes activation of secretory and motor function of intestines;
  • Has antioxidant, fortifying and immunoactive, and also a lung hypotensive, calming, anticonvulsant, anti-toxic properties.

Use of Artemizina-S is shown:

  • Prevention of an invasion helminths and protozoa;
  • Treatment of helminthic invasions round and flat worms, and also protozoan infections;
  • Complex treatment of gastritises, dyskinesia of biliary tract, peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum, cholecystitises, pancreatitis, hepatitises, disturbances of functions of digestive tract (as supportive application);
  • Respiratory allergic diseases: rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma (as supportive application);
  • Various skin diseases in the form of allergodermatoz, a food dermatosis, eczemas, mycoses, psoriasis, neurodermatitis and vitiligo (as supportive application);
  • Disbolism, such as obesity, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus (as supportive application);
  • Removal of a syndrome of a hangover (as supportive application).


Use of Artemizina-S is contraindicated at individual intolerance of any of its components. Also it is not necessary to accept dietary supplement along with other medicines.

Route of administration and dosage

Artemizin-S it is recommended to accept a course not less than 10 days as dietary supplement to food. The adult dose makes 2 tablets three times a day during food. The daily dose for children depends on age:

  • Up to 3 years the recommended dosage makes 0,5 tablets two-three times a day;
  • 3-7 years – on 1 tablet twice a day;
  • 7-12 years – on 1 tablet three times a day;
  • 12-14 years – on 2 tablets twice a day.

Considering features of a biological cycle of protozoa, it is recommended to repeat courses of deworming periodically. Also during treatment of Artemizinom-S it is necessary to keep to a diet and a diet with limited amount of carbohydrates, preservatives, spicy and salty food, animal fats and the increased liquid consumption.

Side effects

Use of Artemizina-S extremely seldom causes side effects, phytodrug is usually well transferred by adults and children.

Special instructions

Before use of dietary supplement it is recommended to consult with the doctor.


Analogs of Artemizina-S belong to one pharmacological group of anthelmintic drugs: Albendazole, Phenasal, Azineconstruction Department, Levamisole, Biltritsid, Naftamonum, Ditrazina citrate, Vermoxum, Vorminum, Gelmodol-VM, Gelmintoks, Piperazin, Dekaris, Mebendazolum, Medamin, Nemozol, Nemotsid, Sanoksal, Pyrantelum, Pumpkins seeds.

Terms and storage conditions

To store at the room temperature, a period of validity – 3 years.

Whether you know that:

During life the average person develops neither more nor less two big pools of saliva.