
Useful properties of an okra

Okra – an exotic annual herbaceous plant which is referred to vegetable cultures. Ladies' fingers or the Gumbo as still it is called, it is widely cultivated in the European countries now. Useful properties of an okra are caused by its rich chemical composition.

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Fresh fruits of an okra – the pods of a pyramidal form reminding the green pepper covered with thin hairs. They contain a set of nutritious elements. Among them – B6, A and K vitamins, and a large amount of ascorbic acid. Also compounds of thiamin, calcium, iron, potassium and folic acid are a part of fruits. Most of all okra is appreciated the high content of proteinaceous connections and food fibers.

The okra is widely used in Ayurveda as the toning, rejuvenating and exciting food. The advantage of an okra is especially obvious to pregnant women and the feeding women, thanks to the folic acid which is its part.

Okra – a valuable low-calorie product. 100 g of pods contain 40 kcal and therefore it can be included in structures of various diets. Activating vitamin B synthesis, the okra helps will get rid of a depression and chronic fatigue. It is useful to eat it during catarrhal diseases as it has also antiseptic properties.

The advantage of an okra is shown also at digestive disturbances. Natural fibers and vegetable slime promote washing away of metabolic toxins, excess compounds of cholesterol and excess of bile. These properties of an okra promote development of normal intestinal microflora, reproduction of beneficial bacteria that especially helps at dysbacterioses, abdominal distention and locks. The advantage of an okra does it by an important product and at diabetes as it reduces sugar level in blood.

Also pods of an okra contain pectinaceous substances which promote adsorption of salts of heavy metals. The okra is useful as prevention of development of cancer of direct intestines, a cataract and diabetes that is confirmed by results of many researches. Also researches noted salutary impact of this plant on mobility of joints and vessels.

Okra seeds bring benefit also, they have tonic effect. The fried seeds often use for preparation of the drink which is tasting like coffee. In addition, they contain a large amount of the oils similar on nutritional value to olive.


The okra is widely used in cookery. Bright green pods of 8-10 cm without dry impregnations are suitable for preparation. It is better to prepare fresh pods at once as they quickly spoil. The okra can be used in a crude, stewed, boiled or fried look. As pods have no pronounced taste, they are easily combined in salads, soups and vegetable stews with other vegetables – onions, tomatoes, vegetable marrows, the Bulgarian and siliculose pepper and garlic. Except pods it is possible to add to salads also leaves of a plant. Fried pods of an okra perfectly approach meat, fish or rice dishes.

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At preparation of an okra it is not recommended to use pig-iron and copper ware not to change its color. The okra quickly, within several minutes is extinguished, and best of all combined with butter and lemon juice, and from spices – with pepper, ginger, a thyme, a curry and a marjoram. Often the okra is added instead of vegetable marrows to "ratatouille".

Properties of an okra bring benefit also in cosmetology. So, from it it is possible to prepare the medical exhausted hair balm. For this purpose the pods of an okra cut in the form of straws are boiled to a mucous consistence. After mix will cool down, it is recommended to add a little lemon juice to it, then to make a mask for hair. Pulp from an okra can be added to face packs. It helps to level skin and promotes its clarification from eels.

Contraindications to use of an okra

Okra – the valuable dietary product which almost does not have contraindications.

It is not necessary to eat it only at individual intolerance and tendency to allergic reactions.

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