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Birch tar

Березовый деготь

Birch tar – natural means for care of skin, hair, treatment of skin diseases.

Pharmacological action

Tar birch is an antiseptic agent, renders the local irritative, antiinflammatory, recovering and insecticidal action.

Use of Birch tar improves blood supply of fabrics, stimulates keratinization processes.

Receive tar from birch bark, more than 10 000 useful elements are a part it, including these are fitotsinda and cresols - dezinifitsiruyushchy substances, guaiacol with the antiputrefactive, disinfecting effect and an antiseptic agent phenol.

Release form

In pharmaceutical industry tar is used as a part of Vishnevsky's ointments, Vilkinson, Konkovo.

In traditional medicine use pure tar – produce it in the form of dark, with a specific smell of liquid in bottles.

The cosmetic industry on the basis of Birch tar produces hair, skin care products.

Indications to use of Birch tar

Use Birch tar for treatment of eczema, depriving scaly, itches, quinsies, bronchitis, tuberculosis, an edema, purulent wounds, bruises, ulcers trophic, of splinters, fungi on skin, decubituses, burns, frostbites, otitis chronic, psoriasis.

Use of Birch tar at an itch of skin, rash, a scrofula, stomatitis, bleedings, an urethritis, gangrene, the mastitis formed after the delivery, tumors, leprosy, smallpox, painful callosities, digestive disturbances is effective.

In cosmetology tar is used for care of the fat, dropping-out hair, problem skin.

Application instruction of Birch tar

The ointments on the basis of Birch tar prepared under production conditions – ointment of Konkovo, Vishnevsky, Vilkenson use according to their instruction or instructions of the doctor.

The pure tar mixed 1:1 with fat is used at skin diseases – ointment is applied on the damaged sites.

For treatment of eczema impose compresses from pure tar or mix from the crushed roots of a sorrel horse and tar water. At the becoming wet eczema use ointment: mix fat and tar (1:1), add egg crude and impose on the sites of skin affected with eczema.

Мазь на основе березового дегтя - Линимент ВишневскогоFor treatment of psoriasis as a part of complex treatment use ointment: two tbsps of tar mix with 3st.l honey, 2 l. castor oil, one ovalbumin. Mix is infused by three days, later apply on the affected skin one р / days.

At a focal hair loss, dandruff practice rubbing in of tar pure or diluted with 1:1 glycerin or alcohol. After holding a procedure excess tar is deleted from hair with a cotton plug. Rubbing in do every other day, alternating to washing of the head.

For extraction of a splinter the place on skin where she stuck needs to be greased with tar or to put the fabric rag moistened with it. Usually through 15-20min. the splinter can already be hooked and taken out.

For elimination of callosities standing, on them impose the ointment prepared from equal shares of tar, saltpeter, sugar. Previously callosities steam out (better – in broth from birch leaves).

Use of Birch tar is effective for treatment of a pulmonary disease: tar is mixed with honey and drunk on a means spoon in the morning, in the evening to food.

For treatment of ulcers on skin which long do not heal use ointment: creamy unsalted oil is mixed with tar and the burned root of a hog fennel medicinal (components take in equal parts).

For treatment of a fungus standing, affected areas grease with pure tar each three days so much how many it is required for recovery. These three days it is impossible to wash away tar. It is applied on the clean steamed-out skin of legs.

Side effects

Long treatment by Beryozovo tar can lead to irritations on skin, to allergic reactions.

Contraindications to use of Birch tar

Birch tar is not used at hypersensitivity to means. Before its use the allergoprob is recommended to carry out.

Because of the carcinogens which are contained in means (in particular, a benzopirina in high concentration), a contraindication of Birch tar is also pregnancy, the period of preparation for it, a lactation.

Whether you know that:

The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.