Main > Diseases> Bulimia


General characteristic of a disease

БулимияBulimia represents the disturbance of a feeding behavior which is shown in attacks of an uncontrollable overeating after which cleaning rituals – calling of vomiting or reception of purgatives, as a rule, follow.

Such insuperable attacks of hunger can be two types – nervous bulimia and bulimia of the pubertal period. The aged people of 25-30 years who are looking for calms and finding it in food are most subject to the first type of a disease. Mental disorders, a stress, a low self-assessment can be the reasons of nervous bulimia, however can sometimes lead diseases of endocrine system, the central nervous system to this disease or the burdened heredity.

The second type of bulimia is most characteristic of the girls enduring the puberty period. Very often at this age attacks of an overeating alternate with the periods of total absence of appetite. Both types of bulimia are curable if in time to diagnose diseases and to take the effective measures promoting recovery.

Several types of manifestations are characteristic of bulimia:

  • the huge number of food is absorbed pristupoobrazno, that is food requirement appears suddenly;
  • the person eats constantly, without ceasing;
  • attacks of hunger happen at night.

For the people having nervous bulimia, the food represents a way to facilitate concern, to replace support and attention, to reduce stress. At the same time, the nature of absorption of food changes - the unlimited number of food is swallowed in almost not chewed look. After the fact of an overeating of people out of fault and to avoid obesity, tries to clear a stomach or by artificial calling of vomiting, or by means of reception of laxatives and diuretics.

In certain cases patients with nervous bulimia can resort to periodic starvation or excessive exercise stresses. The overeating and cleaning methods following it in a combination to a weak nervous system is very frequent can provoke serious complications.

Bulimia symptoms

It is from outside rather difficult to distinguish bulimia as the people having this disease in most cases have normal weight, and visually it is almost impossible to define their difference from healthy people.

About thirty years ago the special scale which allows to diagnose bulimia was developed. The test containing 26 questions is recognized as the reliable tool of researches of food frustration today. To reveal a disease at relatives or other close people use the simplified version of the test. So, the following symptoms of bulimia can give the patient:

  • problems with gingivas and destruction of an adamantine substance of tooth which are provoked by repeated influence of the acid of a gastric juice getting into a mouth at vomiting;
  • presence on fingers of hands of wounds or scratches which can arise at their room in a throat for the purpose of calling of vomiting;
  • dehydration;
  • twitching of the muscles and spasms caused by an imbalance of electrolytes;
  • inflammation of a parotid sialaden and gullet as a result of frequent vomiting;
  • different disorders of intestines provoked by the excess use of purgatives;
  • in certain cases internal bleedings;
  • signs of functional disturbances of a liver and kidneys;
  • the heart diseases caused by metabolic shifts;
  • disturbances of a menstrual cycle.

At detection of the listed above symptoms of bulimia it is necessary to see a doctor immediately

Treatment of bulimia

Традиционное лечение булимии предполагает психотерапию и в некоторых случаях антидепрессантыTraditional treatment of bulimia assumes, first of all, psychotherapy, system arrangements and only in certain cases antidepressants. The earlier the disease is diagnosed and treatment is begun, the it is more than chances that the problems with health caused by bulimia will not develop. If frustration of a feeding behavior is followed by other psychological disturbances, in particular a depression, alcohol or drug addiction, an integrated approach in treatment of all organism is required.

Treatment of bulimia represents long process which can longer last years, and the first signs of recovery to be observed only weeks, and even months later. Unfortunately, positive takes of treatment are not a guarantee that bulimia will not return after a while yet.

In treatment of this food frustration often apply the cognitive and behavioural therapy directed to achievement of that the patient accepted himself it what he is. Within this therapy of the patient with bulimia train in the schedule of meals, healthy nutrition, reduce his concern about the weight and outward, and also help to analyze relationship with other people, create the skills allowing not to allow returns of a disease.

Traditional medicine offers the ways of treatment of bulimia:

  • Three segments of the garlic which is previously peeled and pounded fill in with boiled chilled water (1 glass). Having sustained days, infusion is accepted daily for the night on 1 tablespoon.
  • In equal quantities mix parsley and dried mint, fill in with boiled water – 1 tablespoon of collecting on 1 glass of water – and draw half an hour. This infusion helps to satisfy hunger. According to the same scheme and with observance of the same proportions infusion from a grass of a bitter wormwood which is accepted before food on 1 tablespoon prepares.
  • In 3 l of water on moderate fire cook 250 g of plums and the same quantity of a fig, wait until the amount of liquid decreases to 2,5 liters. Broth is accepted before food on ½ glasses.
  • Fill in with one glass of water 20 g of a celery, boil 15 minutes. The filtered broth is drunk during the day in three steps before food.

It is necessary to remember that bulimia represents the serious disease demanding professional medical care and care of close people.

Bulimia effects

It is quite natural that the overeating in combination with forced cleaning of a stomach cannot be passed for an organism completely. Bulimia effects following:

  • neurasthenia;
  • aggravation of symptoms of teeth, hair, nails, skin;
  • disturbance of exchange processes;
  • acute heart failure;
  • disturbance of work of the alimentary system;
  • medicinal, and at times alcohol and drug addiction;
  • difficulty of communication with close people;
  • loss of interest in life;
  • general exhaustion of an organism.

Bulimia effects, as well as the disease, it is possible to avoid if to support healthy psychological climate in a family, to create a stable and safe stop, to help to create to children a healthy self-assessment.

Whether you know that:

According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.