Main > Drugs> Целебрекс


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 177 rub.

Целебрекс is the Упаковка Целебрексmedicine relating to group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Pharmacological action

Целебрекс suppresses preferential TsOG-2 and at the same time makes the minimum impact on activity of TsOG-1. Drug possesses antiinflammatory, febrifugal and soothing action.

Animal experiments showed that Tselebreks's use significantly reduces cancer cases of a large intestine.

According to Tselebreks it is considerable to a lesser extent, than other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, promotes development of gastroduodenal ulcers and the related complications. These data were confirmed with repeatedly conducted endoscopic researches.

Clinical trials also showed that Tselebreks's use in a dose no more than 1,2 g a day does not cause changes of indicators of coagulability of blood.

In the instruction to Tselebreks it is noted that this drug increases risk of development of not fatal heart attacks and strokes a little, but at the same time does not influence rate of mortality from cardiovascular diseases.

Целебрекс it is very well soaked up from intestines. The concentration maximum in blood is reached in two hours after administration of drug inside. Greasy food worsens absorption of this medicine. It is allocated with bile.

At purpose of therapeutic doses of Tselebreks higher concentration of this drug in blood are noted at women, patients with small body weight and representatives of negroid race. Therefore to these categories of patients treatment is begun with the minimum doses.

According to Tselebreks in certain cases can lead to reduction of allocation (excretion) of sodium with urine that leads to development of peripheral hypostases. However increase in arterial pressure is not observed. These hypostases do not demand treatment and pass independently.

During the conducted researches embriotoksichesky and teratogenic effect of drug was not revealed.

Indications to use

This medicine can be used as symptomatic means in complex therapy of the following diseases:

• Spondylitis;

• The deforming osteoarthrosis;

• Pseudorheumatism;

• Algodismenorey.

The indication to Tselebreks is also the expressed pain syndrome which development is caused by injuries, operative measures and other reasons.

According to the instruction of Tselebreks it can be applied to performing complex therapy of the patients suffering from a family adenomatous polipoz. Tselebreks's use in this case promotes reduction of the sizes and total quantity of colorectal adenomatous polyps.

Application instruction

This medicine is recommended to accept two times a day on 200 mg. Considering that development of complications from cardiovascular system directly depends on a dosage of this medicine, Tselebreks has to be appointed short courses and in minimum effective dose.

At arthritises and other diseases of joints the daily dose of Tselebreks can be increased to 800 mg a day.

At an acute pain originally appoint 600 mg of Tselebreks, then give 200 mg each 12 hours.

At family adenomatous to a polypose drug is appointed two times a day on 400 mg.

At Tselebreks's appointment elderly patients with body weight less than 50 kg need to reduce a dosage.

Indications to Tselebreks have to be carefully estimated at the patients having a heavy liver failure. In need of purpose of this drug, its dosage at this category of patients has to be reduced by 50%.

Side effects

• Allergic reactions;

• Thrombocytopenia;

• Uneasiness;

• Disturbances of a cordial rhythm;

• Arterial hypertension;

• Sonitus;

• Alopecia.

According to Tselebreks seldom leads to increase in activity of hepatic transaminases and development of pancreatitis.

At long (more than 3 years) Tselebreks's use can develop:

• Arterial hypertension;

• Not system fungal infections;

• Frustration of a chair;

• Coronary heart disease;

• Infections of ears;

• Dysphagy Капсулы Целебрексand nausea;

• Prostatitis;

• Formation of concrements (stones) in kidneys;

• Increase in creatinine in blood serum.


• Individual intolerance of drug;

• Allergic reactions to streptocides.

Also Tselebreks cannot appoint for stopping of a pain syndrome after operations on aortocoronary shunting.


Indications to Tselebreks at pregnant women have to be estimated by doctors carefully. It is possible to appoint this drug only if the estimated advantage of the carried-out therapy is much more, than potential risk of development of pathology in a fruit.

In the last trimester of pregnancy of Tselebreks it is contraindicated since it can break a sokratitelny uterine activity in labor and lead to premature closing of an oval window.

Tselebreks's interaction with other medicines

Целебрекс it is impossible to appoint along with anticoagulants of indirect action and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs since it increases risk of bleedings. Целебрекс reduces anti-hypertensive effect of blockers of angiotensin II.


There is no specific antidote therefore for treatment the symptomatic therapy directed to maintenance of the vital functions and the accelerated Tselebreks's removal from the patient's organism is carried out.

Release form

Целебрекс is issued in capsules with contents on 100 and 200 mg of active agent (Tselekoksib). Capsules are packed into blisters on 10 and 20 pieces.

Tselebreks's analogs

Similar therapeutic action with this drug also other medicinal substances (Tselebreks's analogs) possess: Tselekoksib, Revmoksib, Flogoksib-Zdorovye, Ranseleks. Tselebreks's analogs have just the same indications and contraindications to appointment, as well as Tselebreks.

Storage conditions

Целебрекс it is necessary to store in the dry place unavailable to children at room temperature.

Additional information

According to Tselebreks can lead to increase in risk of a thrombogenesis therefore it is desirable for them to carry out therapy by the minimum doses and during short term. Drug has no antithrombocytic properties and cannot replace with itself Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin).

In the instruction to Tselebreks it is emphasized that during treatment it is necessary to control the level of arterial pressure, especially at elderly patients.

It is not necessary to apply this medicine in pediatric practice since now enough proofs about its safe use for children is not collected.

Целебрекс well gets into breast milk and can become hazardous to health of the child. Therefore for treatment it is necessary to refuse breastfeeding.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Целебрекс 400 mg of n1+200mg No. 5 капс.

177 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Целебрекс капс 400 mg No. 1+200mg No. 5, Pfizer

246 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Целебрекс capsules 200 of mg of 10 pieces

390 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Целебрекс capsules 100 of mg of 10 pieces

485 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Целебрекс капс 200 mg No. 10, Pfizer

503 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Целебрекс капс 100 mg No. 10, Pfizer

606 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Целебрекс capsules 200 of mg of 30 pieces

1055 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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