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Tserebrum compositum

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 1298 rub.

Гомеопатический препарат Церебрум композитумTserebrum a compositum is the complex homeopathic remedy relating to biological regulators of metabolic processes in TsNS. Components of an animal and plant origin, and also mineral substances are a part of drug Tserebrum a compositum. The mechanism of effect of this drug is various and covers various processes proceeding in a brain. At use Tserebrum a compositum change of electric processes in a brain comes slightly earlier, than improvement of clinical symptomatology. There is an increase in indicators of mezhpolusharny kogerentnost. The most actively this drug influences functions of subcrustal structures of diencephalic area, vnutripolusharny bonds. As a result processes of corticosubcortical interaction improve. When using drug the bark irritation decreases, degree of manifestation of paroxysmal forms of activity decreases, and also cortical rhythmics is normalized. Tserebrum a compositum also exerts impact on processes of exchange of catecholamines by stimulation of their catabolism, thereby having the psychoactivating effect. This drug also renders weak cholinolytic effect, and at long use – timoleptichesky and antiparkinsonichesky effects.

At use Tserebrum a compositum raises an immune response, desensitization of immunocompetent cells increases. In the course of use of this drug pulse filling, and also intensity of venous outflow changes, the condition of a vascular wall is normalized, its elasticity increases. Tserebrum a compositum possesses insignificant anti-spastic and vasodilating action. Drug stimulates metabolism processes, improves removal of toxins from an organism. Thanks to high activity and a variety of clinical effects responses about Tserebrum a compositum positive.

Composition of drug Tserebrum compositum

In 2,2ml solution of drug contains:

  • Cerebrum suis D8;
  • Hepar suis D10;
  • Embryosuis D10;
  • Kalium phosphoricum D6;
  • Placenta suis D10;
  • Thuja occidentalis D6;
  • SeleniumD10;
  • Bothrops lanceolatus D10;
  • Ignatia D8;
  • China D4;
  • Acidumphosphoricum D10;
  • Magnesium phosphoricum D10;
  • Manganum phosphoricum D8;
  • Conium maculatum D4;
  • Semecarpus anacardium D6;
  • Hyoscyamus niger D6;
  • Medorrhinum-Nosode D13;
  • Anamirta cocculus D4;
  • Aconitum napellus D6;
  • Sulfur D10;
  • Ambra grisea D10;
  • Gelsemium sempervirens D4;
  • Kalium bichromicum D8;
  • Arnica montana D28;
  • Rutagraveolens D4;
  • Aesculus hippocastanum D4.

Indications to use Tserebrum a compositum

According to the instruction to Tserebrum the compositum, this drug is shown at:

  • encephalopathies of various genesis;
  • vegeto-vascular dystonia;
  • depressions;
  • treatments of effects of craniocereberal injuries;
  • postinsultny states;
  • encephalitis;
  • complications after neurosurgical interventions;
  • neuralgia;
  • neurasthenia;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • decrease in attention;
  • side atrophic sclerosis;
  • dysmnesias;
  • Parkinson's diseases;
  • geriatric changes of the central nervous system;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • to arrest of development (intellectual, physical) at children;
  • for stimulation of regenerator processes and nonspecific immunity;
  • at diseases of veins, arteries, local pathology of venous blood circulation;
  • for prevention of atherosclerotic disturbances of blood supply;
  • for prevention of decrease in mental capacities at a chronic stress;
  • at migraines, organic lesions of TsNS.

Contraindications to use Tserebrum a compositum

According to the instruction to Tserebrum the compositum, this drug is contraindicated at hypersensitivity to components.Церебрум композитум в ампулах

Route of administration, dosage

Drug Tserebrum a compositum can be used subcutaneously, vnutrikozhno, intramusculary, sometimes – intravenously. An average dosage – 1 ampoule. Frequency rate of introduction – 1-3 times within a week. To children at the age of 1-3 years drug is appointed in a dosage 1/6-1/4 volumes of an ampoule, at the age of 3-6 years – in a dosage 1/3-1/2 ampoules, after 6 years – 1 ampoule with frequency rate of introduction 1-2 times within a week.

Drug Tserebrum a compositum can also be used orally. In this case contents of an ampoule should be dissolved in 50 ml of water and to drink the received solution within a day.

Side effect

Drug Tserebrum a compositum is quite well transferred. Cases of allergic reactions were registered. The effect of primary deterioration at reception of this drug is possible, in that case the issue of further use of medicine is resolved together with the doctor.

Use Tserebrum a compositum during pregnancy

In the course of clinical trials embriotoksichesky, teratogenic effect of drug was not revealed. Tserebrum a compositum can be used during pregnancy, and also a lactation on doctor's orders.


Drug overdose cases Tserebrum a compositum are not registered.


This drug has high activity, various clinical effects, well proved at treatment of pathology of TsNS, is quite well transferred, is safe therefore responses about Tserebrum a compositum positive from doctors and patients.

Storage conditions

Drug Tserebrum a compositum should be stored at the room temperature.

Before use of this medicine it is necessary to study the instruction to Tserebrum a compositum. Use of this drug is possible exclusively on doctor's orders.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Tserebrum Kompozitum solution for injections 2,2ml 5 pieces

1298 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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