Main > Diseases> Mange


Short characteristic of a disease

Симптомы чесотки у болеющего человека

Mange at the person is an infectious parasitic disease of skin. It is known to mankind since antique times, but long time doctors could not reveal a parasite and therefore denied the pathogenic nature of a disease, and connected emergence of skin defects with an emotional condition of patients. Today it is known that a mange at children and adults is caused by life activity of mites of Sarcoptes scabiei. They are eurysynusic in life, easily pass from the person to the person and cause various allergic reactions. Despite prevalence of activators, timely laboratory diagnosis of itch is complicated because of insufficient level of training of personnel of many dermatovenerologic institutions and lack of the necessary equipment.

Causative agent of itch

Mange is provoked by activity of itch mites of Sarcoptes scabiei. They have the tiny sizes and therefore are not found at usual survey with the naked eye. Getting on skin of the person, females of mites make in it an opening and begin "to bite" into thickness of a derma, leaving the characteristic scabby courses. Further the impregnated female will postpone the posterity in the made channels.

As a rule, a mange at the person is shown on palms, feet, wrists, elbows and generative organs (at men). Localization of activators on these sites is not accidental and is explained by two factors: small amount of hair and small thickness of epidermis. Besides, on feet and palms there are a lot of sweat glands. They emit sweat which fills the courses done by mites and creates the best conditions for development of posterity. Being born, larvae very quickly turn into adult individuals, get out to a surface of an integument and development repeats a life cycle. Let's notice also that if the person had an itch, itch symptoms constantly progress as, combing pruritic places, the patient promotes transmission of infection on healthy sites of skin.

Emergence of mites is fraught with the most different complications. The matter is that products of their life activity are initially incompatible with an organism of people and cause allergic reactions, promote emergence of the numerous centers of an inflammation. Especially strongly a mange exasperates patients in evening and night hours when parasites are most active.

Ways of infection

Itch source is always the person and household objects to which it contacted. Mites easily pass to healthy people during handshake or in direct skin contacts in public transport. Also the family disease outbreaks caused by the fact that usually members of one family use the general towels and other sanitary products are frequent. Besides, practically from 100% probability a mange will declare itself after sexual contacts with the sick partner.

Itch symptoms

The period of emergence of symptoms of itch fluctuates from several hours to 1,5-2 weeks. It is possible to carry to the main symptoms of itch:

  • the itch – develops approximately in a month after infection with a mange, is reaction of an organism to waste products of mites. Unpleasant feelings amplify in evening and night time;
  • emergence of the scabby courses – they have an appearance of a small whitish strip up to 1 cm long. Most often the channels laid by mites are located on a stomach, buttocks, feet, in axillary area, on palms and pleated an elbow bend;
  • development of skin defects – crusts, dry cracks, bubbles.

Mange at children

At children a mange proceeds in much more severe form, than at adults. At the diagnosis a mange treatment of the child quite often means removal of parasites from all sites of an integument, including the person and a pilar part of the head. Besides, inflammatory processes affect also nails which become covered by cracks are thickened, become too friable. Other infections can join activity of parasites of itch that considerably complicates process of diagnosis and treatment.

Several words about diagnosis of itch. It is possible to find a female of a tick only by means of a microscope. For laboratory researches integument samples undertake, and scraping of the struck area becomes.

Treatment of itch

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The course of treatment of itch is appointed on the basis of results of laboratory diagnosis. Achievement of the best results requires observance of the following conditions:

  • at the diagnosis a mange treatment there undergo all members of the revealed center (a family, children's collective);
  • during treatment of itch patients should not wash and change bed linen;
  • clothes and other objects to which the patient contacted are exposed to disinfection;
  • itch medicines are applied on all body, and not just on affected areas.

The modern medicine offers people rather wide choice of drugs. A mange at the person recovers by means of ointments, solutions and suspensions. Also folk remedies at treatment of itch are effective, but we will tell slightly below about them. As for the most widespread drugs, treat their number: benzyl benzoate, спрегаль, Unguentum sulfuratum. For the prevention of allergic reactions and inflammations antihistamines are used (Suprastinum, кларитин).

It is quite possible that symptoms of itch will be observed even after passing of a course of treatment. In this case it is necessary to repeat all procedures with use of stronger, efficient means.

Mange – treatment by folk remedies

Remember that before use of any national recipes it is necessary to consult with specialists who will tell you about nuances of these or those means and possible effects of their use. Let's list the most effective recipes:

  • mix 1 tablespoon of turpentine with 2 tablespoons of butter. The received mix is applied on skin before going to bed;
  • 1 tablespoon of a celandine mixes up with 4 tablespoons of vaseline. Means is intended for external use. All body, and not just affected areas is processed;
  • birch tar is applied with a uniform layer on pruritic places, washed away in 3-4 hours by warm water.
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