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from 37 rub.

Дицинон талеткиDicynonum – the haemo static drug intended for prevention, reduction and a stop of bleedings.

Pharmacological action

Active ingredient of Dicynonum – etamsylate.

Drug has haemo static effect (stops or reduces bleeding), which is caused by ability of drug to activate thromboplastin formation at damage of small vessels (it is formed at the initial stages of process of coagulation).

Use of Dicynonum allows to increase formation of mucopolysaccharides (protect proteinaceous fibers from traumatizing) big weight in walls of capillaries, to normalize permeability of capillaries, to increase their stability, to improve microcirculation.

Dicynonum has no ability to increase coagulability of blood and to cause vasoconstriction, and also does not promote formation of blood clots. Dicynonum begins to work in 1-2 hours after oral administration and in 5-15 minutes after injection introduction. The therapeutic effect of Dicynonum is observed within 4-6 hours.

Indications to use of Dicynonum

The instruction recommends to appoint Dicynonum at:

  • parenchymatous (at injury of a spleen, lungs, kidneys, a liver) and capillary (at damage of the smallest vessels) bleedings;
  • secondary bleedings against the background of a trombotsitopatiya (qualitative inferiority of thrombocytes) and thrombocytopenia (reduction of quantity of thrombocytes in blood);
  • hamaturia (availability of blood in urine), hypocoagulation (the slowed-down coagulability of blood), intracraneal hemorrhage;
  • nasal bleedings against the background of the increased arterial pressure;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis (multiple mikrotrombobrazovaniye and inflammation of walls of microvessels) and hemorrhagic diathesis (tendency of system of blood to the raised bleeding);
  • diabetic mikroangiopatiya (defeat of capillaries at a diabetes mellitus).

Use of the drug Dicynonum is possible at monthly for the purpose of prevention of plentiful blood losses.

Application instruction of Dicynonum

Dicynonum is issued in the form of solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections and in the form of the tablets intended for intake. Also perhaps topical administration of Dicynonum by overlaying on a wound of the tampon impregnated with solution. One ampoule and one tablet contain 250 mg of etamsylate.

Дицинон растворIn most cases the pill Dicynonum is recommended to be taken in number of 1-2 pieces for once, if necessary the dose can be increased to 3 pieces. The single dose of solution for injections usually corresponds to ½ or 1 ampoule, if necessary – 1 ½ ampoules.

With the preventive purpose before operative measures: 250-500 mg of etamsylate by intravenous or intramuscular administration in 1 hour prior to operation or 2-3 tablets Dicynonum in 3 hours prior to operation. If necessary perhaps intravenous administration of 1-2 ampoules of drug during operation.

Intestinal and pulmonary bleedings assume reception of 2 tablets Dicynonum in days for 5-10 days if there is a need to prolong a course of treatment, reduce a dose of drug.

Dicynonum at monthly is recommended to accept on 3-4 tablets a day within 10 days – begin in 5 days prior to periods and finish for the 5th day of a menstrual cycle. For fixing of effect the pill Dicynonum should be taken according to the scheme and two subsequent cycles.

Within 5-14 days about 3-4 tablets Dicynonum at diseases of system of blood, hemorrhagic diathesis and diabetic angiopatiya (defeat of blood vessels) are recommended to accept.

Before operations with the preventive purpose to children appoint Dicynonum on 1-12 mg/kg a day for 3-5 days. During operation perhaps intravenous administration of 8-10 mg/kg, and after an operative measure for the purpose of the prevention of bleeding – on 8 mg/kg in a look Dicynonum of tablets.

The hemorrhagic syndrome at children is treated by use inside on 6-8 mg/kg 3 times a day for 5-14 days.

At a diabetic mikroangiopatiya the instruction recommends to enter Dicynonum intramusculary in the dose equal 125 mg, 2 times a day within 2-3 months.

Side effects

Dicynonum which use has to be stipulated with the doctor can cause such undesirable effects as weight in epigastric (an upper part of an abdominal wall) areas, heartburn, overflow by blood of vessels of the person, dizziness, a headache, numbness of legs, a lowering of arterial pressure, allergic reactions.

Contraindications to use of Dicynonum

According to the instruction, Dicynonum is not appointed at a thromboembolism (obstruction of a blood vessel blood clot), fibrinferments, an acute porphyria (the increased level of porphyrines in blood) and hypersensitivity to etamsylate.

With care drug is used at the bleedings provoked by overdose by means, reducing coagulability of blood.

Use of Dicynonum by pregnant women perhaps only on doctor's orders.

Administration of drug in the period of a lactation demands the temporary termination of breastfeeding.

Additional information

It is necessary to store Dicynonum at the room temperature in the dark place. A period of validity at observance of storage conditions – 5 years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Dicynonum of 250 mg of n10 таб. (analysis)

37 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Dicynonum of a tablet 250 of mg of 100 pieces

374 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Dicynonum тбл 250 mg No. 100, Lek

388 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Dicynonum solution for injections of 250 mg 2 ml 50 pieces

594 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Dicynonum solution for infection amp of 250 mg 2 ml No. 50, Lek

626 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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