Main > Diseases> Endometriosis



Endometriosis is called the disease of a female reproductive system at which the mucous fabric normal covering an internal cavity of the uterus, called by an endometria burgeons where to be unusual for it.

The endometria is a special type of mucous fabric. During a cycle it increases in sizes, and then torn away and removed from an organism. This process is called periods and is controlled hormones. The endometria which is where it should not be is also subordinated to effect of hormones. During the first phase of a cycle it increases, then begins to bleed and try to be torn away, here only an exit of the torn-away fabric in this case does not exist. Endometriosis leads to the fact that in the centers of an arrangement of an endometria cysts and commissures, and tending to growth every month are formed. They break anatomic position of bodies, and are one of the frequent reasons of female infertility.

Endometriosis reasons

The main reason of endometriosis is migration of cells of an endometria there where it should not be. The mechanism causing similar migration is for certain unknown, however it is found out that the reasons can be a little:

  • Congenital anomalies of a structure, including mucous membrane of a uterus. Endometriosis in rare instances develops even at little girls prior to the beginning of periods, and also, extremely seldom, but nevertheless happens at men. These facts, and also that circumstance that endometriosis often is followed by other anomalies of development, demonstrate that disturbances can happen during pre-natal laying of bodies;
  • Mechanical entering of cells of an endometria to unusual places during traumatizing a female genital tract. It happens at a diagnostic scraping, gynecologic operations, abortions and at a manual research of a cavity of the uterus after the delivery;
  • Cauterization of an erosion of a neck of uterus.

In certain cases it is not possible to establish the exact reason of endometriosis.

Except listed, the contributing factors without which formation of endometriosis does not happen even in the presence of wandering cells of an endometria play a role. It can be disturbances of activity of immune system, endocrine (hormonal) disturbances, and also chronic diseases of bodies of female reproductive system.

Types of endometriosis

Normal the endometria is located only on the internal surface of a uterus. Depending on that, settled where exactly and sprouted the migrating endometria cells, distinguish different forms of endometriosis:

  • Genital endometriosis. Sites of endometriosis are located on bodies of a reproductive system. In turn shares on internal when the endometria burgeons in deep layers of a uterus (adenomyosis), and outside when with endometriosis uterine tubes, ovaries, a neck of uterus, a vagina can be affected;
  • Extragenital endometriosis. At this type of endometriosis nodes, characteristic of it, can be located in any bodies where can be brought with a blood flow or a lymph. Their most frequent arrangement – a peritoneum, a rectum, a bladder, that is the bodies, next to a uterus.

Endometriosis symptoms

Симптомы эндометриоза

The most characteristic symptoms of endometriosis are quite intensive painful feelings during periods, and sometimes, in case of much the developed process, pain during sexual intercourse. Also emergence of dark bloody allocations before and after periods belongs to characteristic symptoms of endometriosis. However the listed symptoms of endometriosis are not obligatory, and are more inherent to genital endometriosis.

Extragenital endometriosis can have symptoms very far from a gynecologic disease. As a rule, it is also pain in the endometriosis centers, but as the centers in this case are located not in generative organs, it can mislead at diagnosis. Nevertheless, in all cases of emergence of symptoms of endometriosis, their dependence on a phase of a menstrual cycle is traced. In the second phase, in process of proximity to periods, symptoms of endometriosis accrue as there is a growth of an endometria. In the first phase symptoms of endometriosis are minimum. During the termination of periods because of pregnancy or a lactation, symptoms of endometriosis can disappear and renew with their emergence.

In considerable percent of cases symptoms of endometriosis in general are absent. In this case it, as a rule, is found late, the first the developed cystous and commissural process attracts attention. Most often such "silent" type of endometriosis is found during inspection concerning infertility.

Diagnosis of endometriosis

Diagnosis of endometriosis can represent considerable difficulties, especially in case of an extragenital arrangement. Hold the following diagnostic events:

  • Gynecologic survey;
  • Blood test (as a rule, symptoms of anemia are found);
  • Hysteroscopy - an endoscopic research of a cavity of the uterus;
  • Gisterosalpingografiya - X-ray inspection of a uterus and uterine tubes using X-ray contrast substance;
  • Laparoscopy endoscopy of an abdominal cavity for detection of the extragenital centers of endometriosis;
  • MRT, or magnetic and resonant tomography by means of which it is possible to find both genital, and extragenital endometriosis.

Treatment of endometriosis

Treatment of endometriosis depends on a stage of process, an arrangement and size of the center. Taking into account all these factors drug or surgical treatment of endometriosis, or their combination is appointed.

Drug treatment of endometriosis consists in use of hormonal drugs, antiinflammatory therapy, reception of resorptional means, and also holding the fortifying and immunostimulating actions. In case of existence of symptoms of anemia, appoint also the substances promoting its elimination.

If medicamentous therapy was unsuccessful and also when endometriosis promotes considerable blood loss with development of severe forms of anemia, and also in case of existence of complications of endometriosis, namely the cysts and commissures breaking normal activity of bodies undertake surgical treatment of endometriosis. As a rule, it is carried out by a laparoscopic method, and consists in elimination of the arisen new growths, recovery of normal anatomic position of bodies, and removal of the centers of endometriosis.

National treatment of endometriosis

Лечение эндометриоза соком свеклы

National treatment of endometriosis consists in the use of officinal herbs as fortifying, anti-inflammatory, styptic drug. The St. John's Wort, a camomile, an acorus, a thyme (antiinflammatory), a nettle gonochoristic, water pepper (styptic), an aloe, a purple cone-flower (fortifying) belong to such herbs.

Also as national treatment of endometriosis apply the honey and products of beekeeping which are an excellent natural immunostimulator.

However national treatment of endometriosis has to be carried out only under medical observation.

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