Main > Diseases> Headache


The headache is one of the most widespread complaints with which people see doctors. The last Головная боль является одной из самых распространенных жалобepidemiological researches show that more than 80% of adult population of the planet suffer from a headache, and at 30% from them headaches become the reason of permanent decrease in working capacity and quality of life. Headaches complicate course of many diseases, and also provoke development of vegetative frustration, a depression and sleep disorders.

The headache is the leading or only complaint more than at forty different diseases: diseases of eyes, ENT organs, nervous system, pathology of kidneys and endocrine system, arterial hypotonia, depressions, neurosises and idiopathic hypertensia.

The most common forms of a headache – migraine and a headache of tension.

Reasons and symptoms of a headache

Four main reasons for headaches:

1. Organic diseases of a brain or liquorodynamic disturbances:

• volume formations of a brain (the headache is generally observed in the mornings, is combined with vomiting and nausea);

• the head injuries (acute or chronic, the general or localized) which are badly giving in to treatment;

• diseases of inflammatory character (encephalomeningitis, meningitis).

2. Vascular reasons of a headache:

• the arterial hypertension (pressing, the heavy, pulsing headache in a nape and a neck);

• migraine (the severe pulsing headache in one of half of the head, nausea, vomiting, zvuko-and a photophobia). Migraines are most often subject young women. Migraine can be also transmitted hereditarily;

3. Psychogenic reasons of a headache:

• tension is the most common form of a headache (tension headache symptoms: the constant pulling together, squeezing, gripping pains of moderate or weak intensity which do not have accurate localization and not amplifying from exercise stresses). Are caused by a mental overstrain because of chronic or acute stress.

4. Extra brain reasons:

• influence of chemicals or medicines. Substances or drugs which can cause a headache, – lead, insecticides, carbon monoxide, benzene, alcohol, caffeine, nitrates (for example, nitroglycerine), oral contraceptives;

• extra brain diseases of infectious character. Many bacterial or viral infections begin headache attacks but only other symptoms in the form of fervescence, drowsiness, lack of appetite and others join then;

• pathologies of a mouth, teeth, a nose, adnexal bosoms, ears, eyes, necks, other structures of the person and skull (at sinusitis, glaucoma);

• metabolic disturbances (dialysis, hypercapnia, hypoxia);

• cervical остереохондроз. Pain can be chronic or incidental. It is localized in cervicooccipital area and extends to eye and temporal area. People with such pathology have a constraint in muscles of a back and a neck, and also restrictions of movements in cervical vertebral department. The long exercise stress connected with overextension or a ducking, a dream in an inconvenient pose can be the reasons of such pains.

Headache diagnostic methods

As there is a lot of reasons of a headache, comprehensive inspection is necessary. It is desirable to undergo consultationВиды головной боли at the neurologist, the therapist, the oculist, and also, if necessary, the infectiologist and the neurosurgeon.

As laboratory analyses the general blood test and a lipidogramma is often applied. As a functional research dopplerography, an electroencephalography, a computer and magnetic and resonant tomography and inspections of cervical department of a backbone, and also a thyroid gland is used.

The number of researches is appointed by the attending physician, having considered all complaints of the patient and the found somatopathies.

Treatment of a headache

Treatment of a headache depends on weight and type of a headache, and also on such factors as age of the patient and others. If the headache is a symptom of other disease, it is necessary to treat the main disease.

For stopping of a headache of acuity use analgetics – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – an ibuprofen, paracetamol, and also drugs on their basis with caffeine addition (Panadolum, Pentalginum, солпадеин, ношпалгин), spasmolysants. Medicines can independently be used only one-time, abuse of analgetics can cause a set of side effects – disturbances in work of digestive tract, kidneys, a liver.

For treatment of a headache are also used gabapentina, Valproatums, muscle relaxants, group B vitamins, sedative drugs, neuroprotectors, diuretics, antioxidants, vascular drugs and physical therapy.

How to kill a headache

At a headache it is undesirable to have coffee, it is better to use tea as coffee can kill pain only for some time, and further pain is returned with the doubled force.

How to kill a headache by national methods? To kill a headache, according to traditional medicine, the cabbage leaf can help. It needs to be lowered for a minute in boiled water, to dry up, cool and impose on whisky, a forehead or a nape (depending on that, you feel pain where exactly). Further it is possible to drink freshly brewed tea with leaflets of mint and honey (honey contains magnesium and potassium which improve blood circulation and, thereby, remove stress in arteries).

Other national methods:

• To drink the apple cider vinegar divorced in a glass of water;

• Aromatherapy: to rub one or two drops of essential oils of rosemary or a lavender in whisky;

• Menthol ointment. To smear a forehead or temples;

• Light massage of the head: the stroking movements it is necessary to walk from a front zone to occipital area. Further from a darkness down to ears, from the top to a nape and smoothly fall to a neck. To complete quiet massage of a cervical and collar zone;

• Very effective and known remedy for removal of a headache is asterisk balm;

• Dream. Rest and darkness considerably will help to relieve a headache;

• Lemon crusts. To clear internal parts of a lemon crust of white pulp and to put to temples. Over time in temples there will be a pruritic reddish spot and the headache will pass.

Whether you know that:

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