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The mountaineer is snake

Травянистый кустарник – горец змеиныйThe mountaineer snake – the long-term grassy bush having a set of other names which are used in the people. So, it is called still:

  • Turtle-doves;
  • Veal language;
  • Snake root;
  • Meadow mountaineer;
  • Гадючья grass;
  • Crayfish tails;
  • Coil.

The plant is obliged by such names to features of a form of the rhizome. The root of the mountaineer snake will be bent by two times, splusnut a little and contains cross folds. Thus, most of all root of the mountaineer snake is similar to a snake. On color a root dark-brown, and inside - pink color.

The mountaineer snake treats family a buckwheat family. On a stalk of a plant there are several radical leaves and from one to four leaves from above. Flowers at the mountaineer snake pink, small, collected in a big inflorescence on a top. Height of a plant makes from 50 to 100 cm. A fruit of the mountaineer snake – a smooth nutlet of dark brown color. The plant in May – June blossoms, and fruits ripen in July.

The mountaineer snake grows everywhere (on glades, in bushes), loves crude places. It is not only in the Caucasus and in the territory of Central Asia.

Structure and useful properties of the mountaineer snake

The most important and valuable components elements of the mountaineer snake are tannins. In a plant root tannins (like a tannin) make from 15 to 25%. Besides, the root of the mountaineer snake contains such substances in the structure:

  • Free polyphenols;
  • Oxyanthraquinones;
  • Starch;
  • Protein;
  • Calcium oxalate;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Provitamin A;
  • Dyes.

Free polyphenols are presented as a part of a plant in the form of gallic acid and catechin. And starch as a part of a root of the mountaineer snake makes about 26%. Besides, the root of the mountaineer snake contains acids (free gallic and elaidic).

The grass of a plant contains also ascorbic acid and flavonoids. So, valuable representatives of group of flavonoids as a part of the mountaineer snake are:

  • Giperozid;
  • Rutinum;
  • Avikulyarin.

The mountaineer snake is a powerful source of tannins for a human body therefore this plant is successfully applied as astringent at ponosa and as antiinflammatory – at a nasopharynx inflammation. Action of a root of the mountaineer snake on a human body can be compared to Kalgan and oak bark.

The main properties of the drugs made on the basis of a root of the snake mountaineer are:

1. Knitting;

2. Resorptive calming;

3. Antiinflammatory;

4. Styptic.

The knitting properties of a plant, at intake, are shown rather slowly, on the course of splitting of active ingredients, at direct influence of digestive juices of an organism. Besides, such drugs are low-toxic and have no side effects.

At external use of drugs on the basis of this plant, it is also possible to remove an inflammation, to stop bleeding.

Use of the mountaineer snake

Ботаническая иллюстрация горца змеиногоThe coil rhizome is known as medicine long ago. So, in the Chinese encyclopedia of drugs in the 11th century B.C., it was already told about medicinal properties of this plant. And in the Indo-Tibetan medical literature use of a coil was mentioned as medicine too.

Medicinal raw materials from a root of the mountaineer snake are of the greatest value. And, the greatest number of useful substances contains in plants aged after 15 years. For this reason, preparation of a root of the mountaineer snake is made with use of raw materials from plants age of 15 - 30 years. On external signs, the good rhizome has to be firm, surely serpentine form, from above – dark-brown, inside – pink color. Length of a root of the mountaineer snake has to make from 5 to 10 see Thickness of a root makes 1 – 2 cm. On taste it bitterish and strongly knitting, and here a plant does not exude a smell any.

Snake are engaged in preparation of a root of the mountaineer or in the summer after the plant faded, or in the early spring. The rhizome, together with roots shoots, is dug out, small roots and stalks cut off, wash from the earth. It should be noted that at preparation it is necessary to get rid of the decayed rhizomes as they bear not advantage, but harm for health. Then raw materials are washed out once again and a little dried in the fresh air. Now the root is cut on pieces. Then the root of the mountaineer snake needs to be dried up: it is done in special dryers with a temperature no more than 60 degrees or just on an attic or other aired and warm room. Too bystry or, on the contrary, long drying, leads to loss of useful properties of a root. So, the root with breaks, with the turned black sites or the brown color getting from within is unsuitable to use. Store a root of the mountaineer snake in the dry and aired room up to 6 years.

For treatment in house conditions from a root of the mountaineer snake prepare broths. Such broth is applied, first of all, at problems with intestines. So, this medicinal plant helps with fight against acute and chronic diseases of intestines, for example, at an acute form of colitis. In this case accept broth from the 1st part of a horse and 10 parts of water, on 1 tbsp to five times per day.

The excellent fixing property the root of the mountaineer snake has at the following problems with health:

  • Peptic ulcer of a stomach;
  • Peptic ulcer of a duodenum;
  • Stones in a gall bladder;
  • Dysentery;
  • Stones in a bladder;
  • Pulmonary bleedings;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Rectum cracks;
  • Urethritis.

In these cases prepare broth at the rate of 20 parts of a root and 200 parts of water. Accept also 1 tablespoon of broth 3 – 4 times a day, it is obligatory before food.

Besides, the antiinflammatory and knitting properties of a plant apply at such diseases as:

  • Enteritis;
  • Uterine bleedings;
  • Gastrointestinal bleedings;
  • Inflammation of gums;
  • Stomatitis;
  • Ulitis;
  • Diarrhea (diarrhea), with blood.

Use also a root of the mountaineer snake and in the form of powder. This structure disinfect open fresh wounds, cuts, furuncles, ulcers, eczemas. It is possible to process wounds also broth and infusion, to foment also compresses. The root of the mountaineer snake helps to stop quickly bleeding and interferes with development of microbes. Broth of a plant can be applied to syringing, for example, in case of a colpitis (vaginitis).

Broth from a root of the mountaineer snake rinse a throat and an oral cavity at any inflammatory diseases.

Contraindications and harm of the mountaineer snake

Contraindication to use of a root and other parts of the mountaineer snake is hypersensitivity of a stomach. It is connected with the fact that in this case big intake of tannins in an organism does harm, but not advantage. Besides, it is necessary to remember that long use of a root of the mountaineer snake during treatment can lead to development of a lock. Therefore, it is necessary to be treated by such means carefully, and it is obligatory under observation of the attending physician.

It is not necessary to use the mountaineer snake for treatment of small children, to 2-hletny age.

Whether you know that:

Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.