DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Disbolism Disturbance of protein metabolism

Disturbance of protein metabolism

see also:


Optimum total quantity of protein which has to come to an organism fluctuates in the range of 1,5 — 2,5 g at 1 kg of body weight a day. The protein coming to an organism has to fill both its general expense, and the need for irreplaceable amino acids which are not synthesized in an organism and arrive only with food. Therefore, such quantity of protein-bearing products which provides necessary quantity of each of irreplaceable amino acids has to be entered into an organism.

Types of discrepancy of quantity and composition of protein to requirements of an organism:
- Discrepancy of intake of protein in an organism to requirements;
- Disturbance of albuminolysis in digestive tract;
- Disturbance the content of proteins in a blood plasma;
- Disturbance of transmembrane transfer of amino acids;
- Disorders of metabolism of amino acids;
- Frustration of final stages of a catabolism of proteins.

Symptoms of Disturbance of protein metabolism:

The kwasiorkor and nutritional dystrophy can be examples of proteinaceous starvation.

• A kwasiorkor — unbalanced alimentary insufficiency of protein. Multiple frustration are characteristic of this disease.
- Reduced body weight (in connection with deficit of protein and other components of food).
- A considerable hypoproteinemia (it is preferential at the expense of a gityualbuminemiya).
- Gipolipoproteinemiya (as a result of deficit of protein and lipids in food, disturbances of their education in an organism).
- Negative nitrogenous balance (is 20-30% lower than normal).
- Total hypostases, ascites (as a result of a blood gipoonkiya).
- The immunodeficiencies (which are often combined — T - and V-dependent).
- A hyper aldosteronism (considerably as a result of a hypovolemia).
- A hypernatremia, a hypopotassemia (in connection with a hyper aldosteronism), a hypophosphatemia, a hypomagnesiemia.
- Apathy, hypodynamia.
- Delay of physical and intellectual development.

The forecast at a kwasiorkor adverse (in connection with a considerable atrophy of a small bowel and an akhiliya), and mortality high (generally from infections in connection with the expressed immunodeficiency).

• Nutritional dystrophy

Nutritional dystrophy, or alimentary marasmus — the balanced proteinaceous and caloric insufficiency. Complete or partial proteinaceous starvation leads to mobilization of protein of bones, muscles, skin, in much smaller measure — from internals. Manifestations:

- Decrease in body weight.
- Protein content of blood on the lower bound of norm, is frequent — a hypoproteinemia and a gipolipoproteinemiya.
- Negative nitrogenous balance (norms are 15 — 25% lower).
- A hypoglycemia (in connection with deficit in food of carbohydrates).
- Ketonemiya, ketoacidosis (as a result of an intensive catabolism of lipids).
- A hypercorticoidism (generally at the expense of glucocorticoids).
- The increased levels of a glucagon and somatostatin.
- A hyperpotassemia (at a heavy current).
- Immunodeficiency (generally T-cellular).
- Delay of physical and intellectual development.

The expressed hypoproteinemias, hypostases, disorders of electrolytic exchange are not characteristic of alimentary marasmus. The forecast at timely and correct treatment, as a rule, favorable.

Causes of infringement of protein metabolism:

The main reason for insufficient intake of protein in an organism (alimentary insufficiency of protein, proteinaceous and caloric insufficiency) — starvation.

Treatment of Disturbance of protein metabolism:

Treatment is carried out depending on a basic disease.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Disturbance of protein metabolism:

  • Препарат Кардонат.


    Combination vitamins B with various substances.

    JV LLC Sperko Ukraina Ukraine


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