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Nervous anorexia

see also:


Nervous anorexia is frustration of a feeding behavior which usually strikes teenage girls though recently the increased incidence of males is observed. It is characterized by aspiration to excessive diets, following to which can become heavy and life-threatening in a type of sharp loss of weight. Other features include the increased desire to lose as much as possible weight, along with painful fear of obesity.

Reasons of Nervous anorexia:

The reasons of nervous anorexia multifactorial,  including the genetic reasons, existence of personal lines of perfectionism and compulsiveness play a role; frustration of an alarming range; family cases of a depression, family and cultural prejudices in relation to outward. These factors are capable to distort ideas of weight, along with phobic avoiding of many foodstuff, especially with high caloric content.

Symptoms of Nervous anorexia:

This disease usually is followed by the excess physical exercises directed to bystry loss of weight.
According to DSM-IV, there are four main diagnostic characters of nervous anorexia:
1) support of weight at the level of less than 85% of standard normal weight for the age and growth;
2) intensive and painful fear to recover;
3) special attention to the weight or forms;
4) an amenorrhea (lack of a normal menstrual cycle), at least, in three consecutive cycles.
Nervous anorexia meets in two clinical options:
1 - restriction consumption of food;
2 - overeating and clarification.
The limiting type is characterized by noticeable reduction of consumption of calories from 300 to 700 kcal a day and often is followed by intensive trainings. At the second type of nervous anorexia consumption of food can be various, fluctuating from a small amount to several thousand calories. Cleaning of an organism is made by the self-induced vomiting, purgatives, "dietary" tablets and diuretic drugs.
The mental disorders accompanying nervous anorexia include depressive frustration or dysthymias (50-75% of patients), alarming frustration (about 60% of patients) and obsessivno-compulsive frustration (about 40%  of patients). Medical complications include loss of subcutaneous fat, orthostatic hypotension, bradycardia, disturbance of a menstrual cycle, a hair loss, a hypothermia and an electrolytic imbalance, dysfunction of a thyroid gland.

Внешний вид больной нервной анорексией

Outward sick nervous anorexia

Последствия нервной анорексии

Effects of nervous anorexia

Treatment of Nervous anorexia:

Psychotherapy: cognitive and behavioural psychotherapy therapy, dynamic psychotherapy, family therapies.
Psychopharmacotherapies: amitriptyline, кломипрамин, Pimozidum (Orap) and Chlorpromazinum (Thorazine).

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Nervous anorexia:

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