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Mesotympanitis – the chronic purulent inflammation of average and lower departments of a drum cavity which is shown decrease in hearing, mucopurulent allocations from an ear, the central perforation of the tense part of a tympanic membrane, sometimes growth of graulyatsionny fabric and formation of polyps. Rather high-quality form, but can pass into an attic disease.

Mesotympanitis reasons:

Most often at an attic disease in separated from an ear sow staphylococcus, streptococci and their associations. As a rule, polyflora is sowed, in recent years bigger significance is attached to fungal flora.


1. Changes on average to fish soup the caused necrotic otitises (scarlet fever, measles), frequent acute otitises;
2. Pathological processes in a nasal cavity, a nasopharynx which break function of an acoustical pipe;
3. Reduced resistance of a macroorganism;
4. High virulence of the infectious agent;
5. Sclerous type of a mastoid.

Mesotympanitis symptoms:

Long suppuration from an ear (6 and more weeks);
Decrease in hearing;
Noise in an ear;
Ear pain (in the period of an aggravation);
mucopurulent discharge in outside acoustical pass;
central (i.e. does not reach a fibrous ring) perforation in the tense part of a tympanic membrane, up to subtotal defect;
polyps, granulations.

Отоскопия при мезотимпаните

Otoskopiya at a mesotympanitis

Treatment of a mesotympanitis:

Increase in the general resistance of an organism (hardening, adaptogens, biostimulators, etc.);
Removal of adenoid vegetations, correction of very tectonics of a nasal cavity, elimination of pathological processes in a nasopharynx and a nasal cavity;
Antibioticotherapia at an aggravation;
Giposensebiliziruyushchy therapy (кларитин, Phencarolum, лоратадин);
Vasoconstrictive drops in a nose (Naphthyzinum, фармазолин, etc.);
Ear toilet;
Drops in an ear (the otofa, tsiprolt, etc.);
Operational treatment.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Mesotympanitis:

  • Препарат Офтамирин-Дарница.


    The drugs used in ophthalmology and otology. Antiedematous and other drugs for topical administration at nasal cavity diseases.

    CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine

  • Сайт детского здоровья