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Prostate hyperplasia (Prostate adenoma)


Prostate adenoma – the disease of the men's sexual sphere which is characterized by nodulation in a prostate and disturbance of an urination.
Considering the statistical data saying about detection of an alenoma of a prostate at 15% of men after 50 years at routine inspections, the disease should be considered widespread.

Изменения предстательной железы пр аденоме

Changes of a prostate пр to adenoma

Prostate Hyperplasia reasons (Prostate adenomas):

Adenoma of a prostate develops from rudiments of the special periurethral glands which are localized between muscular and mucous layers of a prostatic part of an urethra. Usually it is specified on what leads to growth of glands. However the true mechanism of development of a disease is not studied finally. It is enough to tell that involution of endocrine function of gonads happens at all men, nevertheless adenomas of a prostate occur only at some of them. Prostate adenoma cases occur at men of young age. It is possible to assume that developing of adenoma of a prostate is connected not with fading of endocrine function of gonads in general, and, apparently, with pathological changes of endocrine function which reason of development is not clear yet.

Prostate Hyperplasia symptoms (Prostate adenomas):

Adenoma of a prostate is characterized by motley symptomatology. Sometimes adenoma proceeds asymptomatically a long time, in other cases against the background of insignificant frustration of an urination the acute ischuria sharply appears. At most of patients adenoma of a prostate is followed by typical clinical signs. Frustration of an urination – weakening of a stream of urine and increase of desires concern to them at night that is called a nocturia. Also the hamaturia, a renal failure, concrements in a bladder, cystitis and pyelonephritis can take place.
The size of adenoma and duration of a disease is not always proportional to expressiveness of symptoms. Quite often adenoma has the big sizes, пр it being characterized by small symptomatology. And in too time along with existence of almost adenomas which are not defined palpatorno disturbances of an urination are sharply expressed. Such dissonance is observed at adenoma of an average share of a prostate. Similar frustration of an urination can be caused by a spasm of a neck of a bladder or an acute plethora (venous stagnation) of a prostate that leads to its increase.


At survey of patients with adenoma of a prostate of the 3rd stage protrusion of a front abdominal wall over a bladder is attracted attention. Perkutorno over a bladder after an urination remains a stupid sound that is regarded as a positive symptom of existence of a residual urine. Gland palpation has practical value. Usually it has the convex form, is increased by 1,5-2-3 times and more, uniform hardly - or a myagkoelastichesky consistence, with a smooth plain surface, with accurate contours. Mobility of a mucous rectum over a prostate is noted. Adenomas at which changes at a rectal manual research are not defined meet. In such cases it is necessary to think of intravesical adenoma (adenoma of an average share).
The residual urine can be defined by bladder catheterization with use of a catheter of Timman having the narrowed and curved beak. Speed of release of urine (an urofloumetrichesky index) reflects a condition of a tone of a bladder and resistance of a vesical and urethral segment. Normal it makes 12-15 ml/min.

Пальцевое исследование простаты

Manual research of a prostate

Treatment of the Hyperplasia of a prostate (Prostate adenomas):

Most efficiently surgical removal of adenoma is. However not all patients can transfer an operative measure. Besides at initial forms of adenoma when urinary function is quite compensated, the risk of an operative measure is not justified. Corrective hormonal therapy can suspend progressing of growth of adenoma.
At patients with the lowered androgenic function use androgenic drugs at the rate of 15-25 mg of Testosteroni propionas a day within 1 month, and in 1-2 months repeat a course (2-3 times). At patients with high androgenic activity use from 30-40 mg to 80-100 mg of hexestrol or other drug of similar action depending on extent of increase in androgenic function within 1 month. Then 1-1,5 months of a break then within 1-1,5 months of the patient accepts approximately half dose of drug follow. Break 2-3 months. The subsequent course of treatment is defined depending on a condition of the patient.

Операция при аденоме простаты

Prostate adenoma operation

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Hyperplasia of a prostate (Prostate adenomas):

  • Сайт детского здоровья