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Antritis – an inflammation of a Highmore's adnexal bosom of a nose. In bones of a skull the pneumatic cavities covered by a mucous membrane are located. The Highmore's bosom is a pair body which is in an upper jaw. Each bosom connects to a nose through a small opening with a diameter of 1-3 mm. If the mucous membrane swells, the output opening is closed. In Highmore's bosoms slime begins to collect. It creates favorable conditions for reproduction of bacteria, as leads to an inflammation — antritis.

Antritis symptoms:

The unpleasant feelings in a nose, a nose bridge, okolonosovy area passing into pains. At development of antritis of people begins to feel pains which are less expressed in the morning, and accrue by the evening. Pain does not concentrate in a certain place, is often perceived as the general headache. The inflammation of bosoms can sometimes cause cheek pain or in upper teeth.
Difficulty of nasal breath. The constant congestion of a nose and a snuffling voice — are also inflammation signs. As a rule, both half of a nose suffer, but there is also an alternate congestion of the right and left side. Disturbance of nasal breath usually disturbs people much more, than cold or headaches. The person faints two consciousness from five at once — sense of smell and taste.
Swelling of the person. At an inflammation mucous bosoms at the person puffiness of a cheek and a century is observed. At unilateral development of a disease swelled usually corresponds to the party of defeat. Sometimes at antritis there are cracks and grazes at an entrance to a nose.
Cold. Often at the people having antritis allocations from a nose which besides have an unpleasant smell are observed purulent (yellow or green). But if the nose is bunged strongly up, then cold at antritis can not be.
Temperature increase. At acute antritis temperature increase to 38 degrees and even is observed above. At a chronic disease temperature rises seldom.
Febricula. Patients often complain of bystry fatigue, impossibility to concentrate, weakness. Often the people having antritis refuse food, they interrupt a sleep.
Effects and complications. To have the infection center in the head, in close proximity to a brain, extremely dangerously! The untimely address to the doctor can lead to emergence of complications.
The most dangerous complication which can cause chronic purulent antritis — meningitis — a meninx inflammation. Also, there is a danger of development of myocarditis (heart disease), damages of kidneys, hypertensions, nervous breakdowns and other serious illness.

Antritis reasons:

The reason of antritis is an infection which extends to a Highmore's bosom from the nasal course or through blood. In most cases antritis develops as a complication after the postponed cold or flu. The allergy which causes hypostasis of a mucous membrane of the nasal courses can also become a cause of illness. Besides, inflammatory processes in upper teeth as the lower wall of a Highmore's bosom very thin can be a source of pathogenic microorganisms.

Treatment of Antritis:

Treatment of antritis is directed, first of all, on removing swelled a mucous nasal cavity and to provide outflow of slime from Highmore's bosoms. Origins of antritis are individual therefore also a course of treatment for each case special.
At treatment of an inflammation the following methods are applied:
    * Drug treatment.
    * Washing of a nose.
    * Surgical treatment.
Drug treatment.
Obligatory use of local procedures — use of inhalers, sprays, drops in a nose etc. is the cornerstone of this method. Physiotherapy is often appointed. Also it is aware of treatment antibacterial and antihistaminic medicines are used.
Washing of a nose.
The purpose of washings of a nose — removal of the accumulated slime together with microbes, allergens and dust. Washings of a nose not only promote reduction of hypostasis and an inflammation, but also increase protective properties of a nasal cavity.
Surgical treatment.
Surgical method of treatment of antritis — a puncture (puncture) of a Highmore's bosom. It is an emergency measure at treatment of the acute started antritis. The puncture is done to pump out pus from bosoms and to administer there the drugs which will stop an inflammation. The method is painful, but effective.
Surgical intervention, most likely will not be required if to address the otolaryngologist at the first symptoms of antritis. Often, to win against a disease washings of a nose and drug treatment are required!

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Antritis:

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