DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Hematology Coagulopathy



Coagulopathy (Latin coagulum — "coagulation", etc. - Greek  — "suffering") — the morbid condition of an organism caused by disturbances of coagulability of blood.

Coagulopathy symptoms:

    * pallor of skin;
    * hemorrhagic syndrome;
    * hemorrhages in the soft tissues causing extensive hematomas;
    * gamartroza;
    * internal hemorrhages;
    * hamaturia.

Coagulopathy reasons:

Though several reasons are possible, usually the coagulopathy results from massive blood loss for lack of a blood coagulation.

External factors.
The acquired forms of a coagulopathy are caused by anticoagulants with warfarin, failure of a liver, shortage of vitamin K and the IDCS.

Also some types of haemo toxic snake poisons, for example poisons of botrops, vipers and other types of family gadyukovy can cause a coagulopathy; some types of viral hemorrhagic fevers, including fever of a dengue and a shock syndrome of a dengue; sometimes is caused by leukemia.

Autoimmune reasons.
There are also autoimmune reasons of coagulopathies. They consist in emergence of antibodies (coagulation inhibitors) to blood-coagulation factors. The main inhibitor of coagulation is directed against a factor of VIII. The Anti-phospholipidic syndrome (en:antiphospholipid syndrome) can be other cause.

Genetic reasons.
At some people work of the genes which are responsible for creation of proteinaceous factors of coagulability is broken. Hemophilia and von Willebrand's Disease are most often connected with a coagulopathy. More rare genetic disorders include en:Bernard-Soulier syndrome, Viskott's syndrome — Aldrich and en:Glanzmann's thrombasthenia.

Treatment of the Coagulopathy:

Treatment depends on a type of a coagulopathy, and the specific reason which caused it.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Coagulopathy:

  • Препарат Ингитрил.


    Proteolysis inhibitors.

    Federal state unitary enterprise NPO Mikrogen Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья