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Invasive aspergillosis


Form system fungal infections which is caused most often A. fumigatus.

Symptoms of the Invasive aspergillosis:

Penetration of a pathogen into a mucous membrane with formation of sites of a necrosis is characteristic of an acute invasive aspergillosis of nasal bosoms (at immunokompromentirovanny). A noninvasive aspergillosis of adnexal bosoms of a nose – rather rare disease at immunocompetent persons. It is shown usually in one bosom in the form of spherical fungal education (aspergillema), and in such form can remain within months or years. A chronic subclinical invasive aspergillosis of nasal sine arises less often, develops at immunocompetent persons in sine, proceeds for years and represents a chronic fibroziruyushchy granulematozny inflammation with slow distribution into orbits, skull bones, a brain. Its activator usually is A. flavus (unlike A. fumigatus – the most frequent causative agent of aspergillomycosis at immunokompromentirovanny persons). This form of an aspergillosis is connected, as a rule, with high content of conidiums of A. flavus in the environment, especially – in the countries with a hot arid climate of tropical and desert regions.

At young immunocompetent faces with a congestion of a nose and long episodes of allergic rhinitis, an asthmatic state, headaches, polyps in a nose allergic fungal sinusitis is not excluded. In the started cases erosive damages of sievebones of a skull are possible.

Reasons of the Invasive aspergillosis:

Most often causes pathology of A. fumigatus, is more rare – A. flavus, A. niger, A. terreus, A. nidulans, A. clavatus.

Treatment of the Invasive aspergillosis:

Though mold mushrooms  of Aspergillus sp. are universal inhabitants of the environment and the contact with their disputes is the commonplace, diseases owing to an invasion of mushrooms in fabric occur seldom and mainly at persons with immunodeficiencies. The most frequent causative agent of aspergillomycosis is A. fumigatus; other types include A. flavus, A. terreus, A. niger and is rare A. versicolor.

Three factors are important for treatment of an invasive aspergillosis:

    * Elimination of the prelying contributing states.
    * Medicamentous therapy
    * Operational treatment

Depending on a specific clinical situation, the combination of these factors can be necessary for obtaining successful result.

In this section only treatment of an invasive aspergillosis will be considered. The clinical picture and diagnosis of this infection is discussed separately.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Invasive aspergillosis:

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