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Neyropatichesky pain

see also:


Neyropatichesky pain is a type of pain which, unlike usual pain, arises not owing to reaction to physical damage, and as a result of pathological excitement of neurons in peripheral or the central nervous system, responsible for reaction to physical damage of an organism (usual pain). Neyropatichesky pains are felt by 6–8% of the population of Europe. Unfortunately, patients late address for the qualified medical aid, for months suffering from anguish. Meanwhile, in the last 20 anniversary there were new methods of treatment allowing to solve successfully this medical problem. Pain — a signal that in an organism there were an injury, an inflammation or a mechanical neurothlipsia; it appears when peripheral pain receptors of sensory nerves are irritated.

Symptoms Neyropatichesky pain:

Neyropatichesky pain — burning, cutting or shooting. Can be pristupoobrazny or constant. Often is followed by feeling of "goosebumps", hypersensitivity to a touch and any movements. If at lumbar radiculitis pain gives to a leg, foot and fingers, and at cervical — extends on a hand, reaching a brush, then it has a neyropatichesky component too.
Painful memory. Forms at constant damage of nerve fibrils when painful signals are developed during a long span. In such cases even insignificant incentives — the touch, heat, cold or stretching — are perceived as pain. The people who are long suffering from chronic pain often feel fear and hopelessness. They are inclined to depressions, can retire into oneself, limit communication with friends and relatives.

Reasons Neyropatichesky pain:

The signals arising at damages of fabrics (an injury, an inflammation, pressure, heat, cold) "are read" by pain receptors (nociceptors) located on skin, ligaments, muscles and internals. Painful impulses on nerves are transferred in back, from there — in a brain where are distinguished as pain.
At neyropatichesky pain injury of a nerve itself stimulates such impulses. The main reasons — physical impacts (pressure, restretching), toxic (alcohol), metabolic dysfunction (diabetes, avitaminosis), viral infections (shingles) or inflammatory processes. Radicular pains can also be neyropatichesky when nervous roots are restrained by disk hernia.
Damage of nerves leads to development of neyropatichesky syndromes, the most frequent of them — discogenic and vertebrogenny lumbar and cervical radiculopathies (34,7% and 11,9%), diabetic polyneuropathy (10,6%), an epileptiform neuralgia (5,8%), post-herpetic neuralgia (4,1%).

Treatment Neyropatichesky pain:

First of all it is necessary to treat a basic disease which led to development of neyropatichesky pain (regulation of optimum level of glucose in blood at a diabetes mellitus, adequate antiviral therapy at shingles, timely begun antiinflammatory and antiedematous treatment at cervicobrachial and lumbar radiculitis). It is recommended to begin the help as soon as possible that in a brain the memory blocks reproducing this pain at the first symptoms and promoting development of a resistant pain syndrome did not manage to be created.
Main objective of therapy — elimination or reduction of pain. A number of methods, not only medicinal is used. Sometimes combinations of several pharmacological drugs and non-drug methods of treatment are required.
Usual analgetik (aspirin, analginum and paracetamol) are inefficient. Anticonvulsant drugs, antidepressants relieve neyropatichesky pain. Narcotic anesthetics can sometimes help. The best result is achieved at a combination of two-three drugs.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment Neyropatichesky pain:

  • Препарат Лирика®.


    Antiepileptic means.

    Pfizer (Pfayzer) of the USA

  • Препарат Габапентин.


    Antiepileptic means.

    LLC PIK-FARMA Russia

  • Препарат Катэна.


    Antiepileptic means.

    BELUPO, Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics, d.d. Republic of Croatia

  • Препарат Конвалис.


    Antiepileptic means.

    CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm LEKKO Russia

  • Препарат Версатис.


    Local anesthetic for surface anesthesia.

    Gmnenihal GmbH (Gryunentad Gmbh) Germany


  • Препарат Габапентин.


    Antiepileptic means.

    CJSC Kanonfarm production Russia

  • Препарат Конвалис.


    Antiepileptic means.

    JSC Pharmstandart Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья