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Agalaxia – lack of secretion of milk after the delivery.

At some women in childbirth chest glands separate so insignificant amount of milk that the woman is not able to raise the child at all.

Agalaxia symptoms:

Allocate the following types of a hypogalactia:

    * primary - milk is not developed  from the very beginning of a lactation
    * secondary - at the beginning of feeding of milk is enough, and then its quantity decreases, and its development stops.

Agalaxia reasons:

Similar anomaly of secretion of chest glands can depend on various reasons:

    * an underdevelopment of chest glands (at stout women this underdevelopment can mask plentiful adjournment in fat breasts);
    * sometimes, normally developed breasts are exposed to the known degree of an atrophy or under the influence of a long divergence as it happens at very elderly pervorodilnitsa, or under the influence of long frustration of food, etc., and such atrophy can lead to decrease in secretory ability of breasts besides;
    * in many cases, breasts cease to work normally under the influence of an inexpedient feeding schedule, under the influence of some feverish diseases and so forth;
    * department of milk can suddenly stop with strong mental experiences.

Treatment of the Agalaxia:

For strengthening of a lactation appoint:

    * diet: consumption of products with the increased protein content, vitamins
    * the protein-vitamin nutritional supplements resolved at a lactation
    * homeopathic medicines
    * phytotherapy
    * hormonal drugs

At an agalaxia of the kid transfer to artificial milk mixes.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Agalaxia:

  • Препарат Тамоксимед.


    Antineoplastic drugs.

    SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL (Balkans Pharmasyyutikals) Republic of Moldova

  • Сайт детского здоровья