DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Medicines The means applied in ophthalmology. Antiedematous and antiallergenic means. The sympathomimetics applied as antiedematouses. Tetrizolin. Vial Layt

Vial Layt

Препарат Виаль Лайт. ОАО "Фармак" Украина

Producer: JSC Pharmak Ukraine

Code of automatic telephone exchange: S01GA02

Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Drops are eye.

Indications to use: Conjunctivitis.

General characteristics. Structure:

Active ingredient: tetryzoline;

1 ml of eye drops contains a tetragidrozolin of a hydrochloride in terms of 100% dry matter of 0,5 mg;

excipients: a benzalkoniya chloride, boric acid, sodium pyroborate, sodium chloride, dinatrium эдетат, water for injections.

Pharmacological properties:

Tetrizolin at external use stimulates alpha adrenoceptors of a sympathetic nervous system that causes vasoconstriction with reduction of hypostasis of fabrics; reduces burning, irritation, an itch, morbidity and dacryagogue.

Vasoconstrictive action develops in a few minutes after an instillation in an eye and continues till 4 o'clock.

Tetrizolin is practically not soaked up at topical administration in therapeutic doses.

Indications to use:

Symptomatic treatment of hypostasis and secondary hyperemia owing to the moderate irritating impact on a conjunctiva of smoke, dust, the chlorinated water, allergic reaction, nonspecific or catarral conjunctivitis.

Route of administration and doses:

Prior to use the lid is densely not screwed up!

Before the first use as much as possible to screw up a lid. At the same time the thorn which is on the lid interior punctures an opening in a bottle. Just before use it is necessary to take a bottle in a palm to warm up it to body temperature.

The lid is unscrewed, removed, and, having slightly pressed on the bottle case, solution is dug in in eyes (a conjunctival cavity).

In order to avoid a spontaneous effluence of solution at storage, after a drug instillation it is dense to screw up a lid that the thorn which is on the lid interior closed an opening in a bottle. Store drug according to the recommendations specified in the section "Storage conditions" (in vertical position).

Vial Layt is intended only for topical administration.

To adults and children 6 years are more senior dig in 1-2 drops in a conjunctival sac of the affected eye (eyes) 2 or 3 times a day.

To children 6 years are younger use drug only under observation of the doctor.

Continuous use of drug is recommended no more than 72 hours in a row.

Features of use:

Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast. Considering an insignificant possibility of development of the general reactions, it is possible to use drug during pregnancy and feeding by a breast only in that case when, according to the doctor, the expected advantage for mother exceeds possible risk for the fruit/child.

Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or work with other mechanisms. Sometimes after use of drug expansion of pupils is observed and there is a sight zatumanennost that can affect ability to drive the car and to work with mechanisms.

Children. It is contraindicated to children under 2 years.

Side effects:

Systemic action usually is not observed.

After drug use Vial Layt single by-effects are observed: a burning sensation, gripes, irritation of a conjunctiva, a reactive hyperemia, in rare cases - a mydriasis.

There can sometimes be sympathomimetic effects (strengthened and a cardiopalmus, increase in arterial pressure, narrowing of blood vessels).

The individual intolerance of drug is possible.

Interaction with other medicines:

It is not necessary to mix eye drops Vial Layt with any other drops. Tetrizolin is incompatible with monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

It is necessary to avoid direct contact with soft contact lenses, considering risk of disturbance of their transparency.


Hypersensitivity to a tetrizolin and other components of drug.
Closed-angle glaucoma, epidermal and endothelial dystrophy of a cornea.
Children's age up to 2 years.

Appropriate security measures at use.


Vial Layt it is reasonable to apply only at slight irritation of eyes.

Before use of drops for children aged from 2 up to 6 years consultation of the doctor is necessary.

If within 48 hours signs of irritation of eyes remain, it is necessary to stop drug use. If the irritation or reddening are connected with serious diseases of an organ of sight (for example, infections, a foreign body or a chemical injury of a cornea), then the patient is also recommended to see a doctor. If appear a megalgia in eyes, the headache, bystry loss of sight, unexpected emergence before eyes of spots which "float", reddening of eyes, eye pain at influence of light or in eyes begins "to appear doubled", then it is necessary to see a doctor at once.

It is necessary to avoid prolonged use of drug and overdose, especially at children.

Contact lenses before an instillation of drug should be removed, considering a possibility of reduction of their transparency.

Very frequent use of drug can cause reddening of eyes.

Patients with a serious cardiovascular illness (coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension), a pheochromocytoma, with disbolism (a hyperthyroidism, a diabetes mellitus), and also to patients who receive monoamine oxidase inhibitors or other drugs which are capable to increase arterial pressure should appoint drug only when the possible advantage exceeds potential risk.

It is possible to apply Vial Layt in a combination with other eye drops not earlier than in 15 minutes after a drug instillation.


At use according to the instruction the overdose of eye drops is impossible.

The overdose owing to a proglatyvaniye or excessive use of drug can cause bradycardia, drowsiness, arterial hypotension, a lethargic state and decrease in body temperature. Besides, at a proglatyvaniye of drops there can be an apnoea, oppression of the central nervous system and a lump.

Carry out a symptomatic and maintenance therapy. In treatment of overdose at a proglatyvaniye of drug apply absorbent carbon and wash out a stomach. The specific antidote is unknown.

Storage conditions:

Period of validity. 2 years. Not to use drug after the termination of the period of validity specified on packaging. A drug period of storage after opening of a bottle - 28 days. To store in protected from light and the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 25 °C.

Issue conditions:

Without recipe


On 10 ml in the bottle enclosed in a pack.

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