
Yam – the collective name of several species of the plants of a sort a Chinese yam having edible tubers.

Ямс сырой

Roots of a yam of a cylindrical form are also rich in carbohydrates that allows a plant to survive in very arid climate. They can reach up to 1,5 meters in length and weigh to 70 kilograms. Edible tubers have a rough thin skin which is difficult for cleaning, but which is softened after heating. The thin skin differs on color depending on a grade of a yam and happens dark brown or light pink shades. Roots of a yam contain about 20% of starch, 75% of water, 0,1% of B1 vitamin, 10-15 mg of vitamin C. Tubers of a yam can reach 5-10 kg in weight and depending on a grade happen white, yellow or violet colors.

Plant leaves, as a rule, big bright green in the form of heart. They can sometimes be a violet shade in connection with the anthocyanins which are contained in them.

Yam – the gonochoristic culture having both female, and men's flowers on one plant. The yam irregularly blossoms that does pollination process difficult and causes low level of production of fruits and seeds. The plant vegetatively, by change of rhizomes breeds. An elevated part of a yam can reach up to 3 meters in height.

The yam grows in the countries with tropical and subtropical climate, is generally grown up as a food stuff in Africa (the continent with the highest production), the Southern Asia, on islands of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean region. The plant does not transfer frosts.

In the nature there are more than 600 grades of a yam, 95% of these cultures are grown up in Africa. The most widespread and known grades of a plant are:

  • Chinese yam;
  • Lukovitsenosny yam;
  • The Chinese yam is edible;
  • Winged yam;
  • The Chinese yam is roundish;
  • White yam;
  • Yellow yam.

Wild yam

The wild yam is a kind of a yam which contains in the roots and bulbs диосгенин, used in laboratories for creation of steroids. As a rule, the wild yam is not eaten because of bitter taste.

The wild yam contains chemical which can be in vitro turned into various steroids, such as estrogen. It is often positioned as a natural alternative of estrogen and used at a premenstrual syndrome, menstrual pains, osteoporosis, dryness of a vagina after a menopause, for increase in vital energy and sexual desire at men and women. The wild yam possesses some similar to estrogen activity, but actually in an organism does not turn into them.

The wild yam, according to doctors, is efficient means at treatment of a divertuculosis, a gall bladder and a pseudorheumatism.

Tubers of some species of a wild yam are a source of a diosgenin and steroid sapogenin. Taken диосгенин it is used for synthesis of cortisol, a pregnenolon, progesterone and other steroids. Drugs on their basis are used as the combined oral contraceptives.

Cream on the basis of a wild yam, according to doctors, reduce inflows during a menopause.

In east Indian traditional medicine the wild yam is used for treatment of sexual and hormonal problems. The Chinese herbalists use a wild yam for treatment of rheumatism, asthma, gastrointestinal and uric diseases long ago. The wild yam is also used in the American traditional medicine at treatment of cough. Some sources assume that indigenous Americans and early settlers used it for simplification of enterospasms and gastric gripes.

Use of a yam

In China the wild yam is considered the plant calming and stimulating work of a stomach and spleen which has tonic effect on lungs and kidneys. Tubers contain cordianine which accelerates process of healing of wounds. The yam root is traditionally applied in the Chinese medicine to treatment of a hyperthyroidism, nephrite and a diabetes mellitus.

At use inside the yam, according to reviews, takes off fatigue, promotes loss of weight, improves appetite and digestion. Also, according to reviews, the yam is effective at treatment of chronic diarrhea, asthma, dry cough, frequent or uncontrollable an urination, emotional instability.

Outwardly the yam is applied at treatment of ulcers, furuncles and abscesses. Juice of leaves is used at treatment of wounds for stings of snakes and scorpions.

Contains in roots of the majority of species of a wild yam диосгенин which is widely used in modern medicine for production of progesterone and other steroid drugs, contraceptives, at treatment of various frustration of generative organs, the alimentary system, at asthma and arthritis, and also by production of vermifuge and antitoxic medicines.

Ямс жареный

Since ancient times the yam was grown up in coastal areas of Africa and used in food by the African fishermen. Tubers of some kinds of a yam can be stored up to six months at high temperature that does them by a valuable resource for the annual period of deficit of food at the beginning of a rainy season.

In Africa the yam is universal vegetable which is cooked on a grill, fry, cook, bake, smoke, and in a grated look add to desserts. The crushed tubers use for preparation of the flour having the pleasant aroma reminding potatoes. Yam flour is the main raw materials for preparation of the African bread.


Use of a wild yam is safe for most of people, however at the use in large numbers can make sick and vomiting.

The breast cancer, uterus and ovaries, endometriosis and a hysteromyoma are a contraindication to a wild yam as he can act as estrogen.

Also a contraindication to a wild yam is deficit of protein. People with deficit of protein have the increased risk of formation of blood clots, and the wild yam can increase this risk.

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