Main > Medical specialties> Endoscopist


The endoscopist – the doctor conducting a tool research by means of lighting and optical system. This procedure allows to examine internal tubular or band bodies, without resorting to operation.

Эндоскопист - специалист, проводящий инструментальное исследование с помощью эндоскопа

Endoscopy as the direction of medicine, received the name from the Greek words "endon" – inside and "skopeo" – to watch, investigate.

Endoscopy found the broad application for the diagnostic purposes and at treatment of many diseases in gastroenterology, surgery, otorhinolaryngology, pulmonology and other fields of medicine.

The instrument of endoscopy is the endoscope representing the flexible long tube which is coming to the end with a lens. The image received from the endoscope with a condition of an internal surface of body is transferred to the special screen from which the endoscopist can take the picture.

In what purposes endoscopy is applied

Work of the endoscopist allows to carry out early diagnosis and treatment of many serious diseases, such as tuberculosis, a carcinoma of the stomach and lungs, various forms of female infertility.

Work of the endoscopist is necessary for carrying out:

  • Diagnoses. The endoscope allows to see color of mucous membranes, erosion, ulcers, hems, new growths and to note its differences from norm. The endoscopist reports the obtained data to the attending physician for diagnosis. Also by means of the endoscope it is possible to find a bleeding point, without resorting to an operative measure;
  • Treatments. The endoscope can be used for administration of medicines directly to the struck area. An opportunity to enter surgical instruments by means of the endoscope allows the endoscopist to carry out medical manipulations, such as removal of small polyps or laser therapy;
  • Control of the treatment course. Thanks to the fact that endoscopy allows to take the picture of pathological sites the repeated research helps the endoscopist to track dynamics of development of a disease and to record the positive and negative changes happening during treatment;
  • Biopsies. In need of histologic and histochemical researches the endoscopist can carry out a material intake from the surfaces of mucous membranes of the damaged bodies for the subsequent transfer to laboratories for the analysis.

Carrying out researches by the endoscopist

Endoscopic procedures are usually well postponed by patients owing to the fact that the mucous membrane on which medical manipulations are carried out is deprived of nerve terminations.

Nevertheless, diagnostic and operational endoscopic testings are recommended to be conducted under anesthetic. Such practice is accepted in many developed countries that allows to carry out the procedure most comfortably for the endoscopist and the patient: the doctor can execute a necessary complex of diagnosis or treatment precisely and quickly, and the patient at the same time does not feel discomfort.

Work of the endoscopist is necessary at a wide range of diseases among which:

  • Gastrojejunal ulcer;
  • Stomach ulcer and 12-perstny gut;
  • Duodenitis;
  • Chronic ulcer and cicatricial deformation of a bulb of DPK;
  • Gullet varicosity, gullet diverticulums, Mellori-Weiss's syndrome;
  • Papillitis;
  • Benign tumors and cancer of a gullet;
  • Cancer and polypectomy of a large intestine.

Main types of the researches conducted by the endoscopist

Depending on the studied bodies in work of the endoscopist distinguish:

  • Bronkhoskopiya – survey of bronchial tubes;
  • Rektoromanoskopiya – survey of distal department of a sigmoid gut and a rectum;
  • Ventrikuloskopiya – a research of cerebral cavities;
  • Gastroscopy – survey of a stomach;
  • Arthroscopy – a research of joints;
  • Hysteroscopy – endoscopy of a cavity of the uterus;
  • Angioskopiya – a research of vessels;
  • Kardioskopiya – survey of cavities of cameras of heart;
  • Kolonoskopiya – endoscopy of a large intestine (mucous membrane);
  • Torakoskopiya – a research of a chest cavity;
  • Fistuloskopiya – a research of internal and outside fistulas;
  • Kolposkopiya – survey of vulval walls and an entrance to a vagina;
  • Ezofagogastroduodenoskopiya – survey and treatment of a gastric cavity, a gullet and a 12-perstny gut;
  • Tsistoskopiya – a bladder research;
  • Laparoscopy – endoscopy of an abdominal cavity;
  • Holangioskopiya – survey and treatment of bilious channels;
  • Ureteroskopiya – survey of an ureter;
  • Otoskopiya – endoscopy of a tympanic membrane and outside acoustical pass.

How to receive the endoscopist's profession

To work by profession the endoscopist, it is necessary to have the higher medical education which corresponds to specialization. In addition to medical knowledge the endoscopist has to be able to work with the computer and the necessary equipment.

Whether you know that:

The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.