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Orange caloric content

All know that orange contains a huge amount of vitamin C which stimulates work of immune system and promotes synthesis of the collagen necessary for maintenance of elasticity of various tissues of human body. At the same time the low caloric content of orange made it one of the most popular products around the world.

How many calories in orange and the caloric content of orange juice

Калорийность апельсина – около 47 ккал на 100 гCaloric content of orange makes about 47 kcal on 100 g, at the same time it contains 0,9 g of protein, 0,2 g of fats and 8,1 g of carbohydrates. Orange is rich with flavonoids which together with vitamin C have complex anticarcinogenic effect. Besides orange is rich with food fibers which reduce blood cholesterol level.

Surprisingly, but the maximum quantity of valuable substances is in an orange dried peel and those white partitions which create segments. Pulp of orange contains also vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. Caloric content of orange juice makes 55 kcal on 100 g of drink.

Oranges render a favorable effect on work of digestive, nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Their use promotes the fastest healing of abscesses and other wounds, is characterized by fortifying, tonic, antiinflammatory and antimicrobic effect, improves a metabolism. Also oranges have property to lower arterial pressure and to reduce hypostases.

Taking into account caloric content, oranges are recommended in a diet of patients with a diabetes mellitus, at various avitaminosis, breakdown and general fatigue. They stimulate appetite and perfectly satisfy thirst, especially at a hyperthermia. Delightful tastes and low caloric content of orange allow to consider it an ideal dessert.

Caloric content of 1 orange. Oranges for weight loss

Caloric content of 1 orange does not exceed 100 kcal. Oranges for weight loss are an ideal product, thanks to the availability, nutrition value and the small number of calories. Orange promotes emergence of long feeling of saturation that is an important component in fight against extra kilos, thanks to high content of cellulose in its pulp.

Калорийность апельсинового сока – около 55 ккал на 100 гCaloric content orange of red color is at the same level, at the same time red grades of oranges are most preferable to weight loss as they most effectively interfere with an adiposity. To diversify the dietary menu, it is necessary to include fresh oranges in various salads and other dishes.

The charm of an orange diet is that it orders to limit itself in food throughout five days of the week, and during week-end it is possible to eat in the usual mode. The similar mode is observed within three weeks, at the same time the expected loss of weight makes about ten kilograms.

The orange diet does not regulate breakfasts, lunches and dinners, and offers a certain list of products which are recommended to be eaten during the day. So, within the first week daily use orange and two hard-boiled eggs on one kilogram; drink not less than 2 liters of water without gas. On the second week of egg replace with porridge (it is desirable buckwheat and welded without salt), and on the third – fresh and boiled vegetables.

Orange weight loss effective, useful and tasty. It is rather easily transferred in spite of the fact that it is a little calories in orange, and well at all seasons of the year. A contraindication for the use of any orange is existence of allergic reaction or individual intolerance.

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