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Broccoli caloric content

The fact that broccoli protects from cancer is a fact of common knowledge. At the same time not all know that this surprising cabbage has a set of other, not less valuable properties.

How many calories in broccoli

Калорийность брокколи меньше, чем риса и кукурузыCaloric content of broccoli makes 34 kcal on 100 g of a product. At the same time it contains 2,8 g of protein, 0,4 g of fats and 7 g of carbohydrates. The amount of phytalbumin does not concede in broccoli to rice and corn, at the same time the caloric content of broccoli is twice less, than in these products. Also protein of broccoli contains as much irreplaceable amino acids how many and protein of egg. The most valuable of them are methionine and sincaline.

Broccoli is rich with indigestible vegetable fibers – 2,6 g in 100 g thanks to what it contributes to normalization of level of cholesterol and sugar of blood, maintenance of normal body weight. In addition it contains a unique complex of vitamins:

  • Vitamin A necessary for processes of regeneration of an epithelium;
  • The vitamin C which is required for elasticity of all body tissues;
  • The folic acid participating in hemopoiesis processes.

Sulforafan and diindolylmethane have anticancerogenic activity and destroy cancer cells. Besides, сульфорафан it is necessary for prevention of diseases of cardiovascular system as prevents vascular damages.

Low caloric content of broccoli not the main advantage of a product. It is shown in food of the people having predisposition to an allergy as contains a large amount of isothiocyanates and a kempferol – the special antiallergic and detoksikatsionny substances promoting removal of products of exchange. Besides, the fatty acids showing antiinflammatory effect are its part an omega-3.

In broccoli there is a large amount of vitamin C. Except the low caloric content of broccoli, the product is rich with flavonoids which participate in transformation of vitamin C in an organism. Broccoli contains also other antioxidants relating to group of carotinoids.

Inclusion in a diet of broccoli is necessary also as prevention of diseases of bones, in particular, of osteoporosis. The effect is reached at the expense of a large amount of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin K. The iodine necessary for normal work of a thyroid gland, and also the substances protecting skin from the destroying action of ultraviolet radiation is a part of broccoli.

In general this surprising cabbage slows down processes of aging of a human body and recovers the died cells. On its basis scientific developments on creation of effective medicine for cancer are conducted. Complexes of active agents of broccoli damage DNA of a cancer cell, without injuring at the same time healthy cells of an organism.

Caloric content of broccoli and rule of its preparation

Калорийность брокколи позволяет ее использовать для приготовления полезных овощных супов, тушеных блюд и омлетовThe greatest number of useful substances contains in fresh – green, crackling and elastic – broccoli. No more than a week whereas it can be stored in the freezer before half a year is stored in the refrigerator of broccoli.

In the course of preparation of broccoli it is important not to lose its valuable properties. It is most useful to divide it into the smallest inflorescences and to add to fresh salad. Mix of olive oil and lemon juice as it practically does not increase the number of calories in broccoli can become ideal seasoning of such salad.

Heat treatment of broccoli has to be minimum – no more than two minutes; she is beautiful in the boiled and baked look, and also steamed. Low caloric content of broccoli allows to include it in structure of tasty and useful vegetable soups, stewed dishes and omelets.

The combination of broccoli and salmon in one meal represents an example of a synergism: anticarcinogenic properties of products increase many times over. Broccoli dishes help to support normal acid-base balance of an organism, preventing development of a set of diseases. In Italian cuisine the broccoli sauce for macaroni including olive oil and nutlets of cashew enjoys wide popularity.

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In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.