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Caloric content of a humpback salmon

On caloric content the humpback salmon belongs to the average category of products which are suitable for not strictly dietary menu directed to weight loss and strengthening of a musculoskeletal system.

Useful properties and caloric content of a humpback salmon

Калорийность горбуши в 100 г – около 146 ккалThe humpback salmon belongs to a family of salmons who are a nutritious, low-fat and useful product. Salmon are valuable fish who has high tastes and pleasant aroma.

Average caloric content the humpback salmon has useful chemical composition and contains phosphorus, calcium, RR vitamin, iodine, cobalt and unsaturated fatty acids.

Caloric content of a humpback salmon makes 146 kcal, and also in its structure of 21 g of proteins, 7 g of fats and 70 mg of water. This fish is suitable for dietary food, both in stewed, and in a salty look. The humpback salmon reduces appetite and saturates an organism with useful substances, without causing accumulation of lipids.

The number of calories in a humpback salmon small that allows to use it daily instead of meat products. Caloric content of a humpback salmon in a stewed look makes 152 kcal, in fried – 212 kcal, and in a salty look – 162 kcal.

From that how many calories in a humpback salmon, the possibility of its use by people with an excess weight and various diseases depends. This fish improves a condition of skin and mucous membranes, normalizes work of digestive, secretory and nervous systems.

Because of low calorie content the humpback salmon can be used regularly in the form of various dishes for regulation of content of sugar in blood, elimination of deficit of phosphorus and normalization of process of formation of enzymes.

Meat of a humpback salmon contains phosphoric acid which accelerates process of metabolism and exerts positive impact on chemical changes in cells. Phosphoric acid strengthens bone structures and participates in processes of creation of tissues of skeleton. The humpback salmon contains antioxidants and substances which possess the calming action.

As a part of the average caloric content of a humpback salmon the pyridoxine which improves functioning of a brain contains, increases memory and normalizes overall health. And niacin stimulates work of a brain and central nervous system.

For maintenance of balance of microelements and performing prevention of atherosclerosis, osteoporosis and anemia it is necessary to use several times a week a small amount of boiled or stewed meat of a humpback salmon.

Contraindications and restrictions in the use of a humpback salmon

Before entering of a humpback salmon into the dietary menu it is necessary to choose a type of preparation of a dish for people with an excess weight, disbolism, anemia and deficit of phosphorus. Depending on a way of preparation is calculated how many calories in a humpback salmon. This fish is the most low-calorie in a boiled look and is suitable for people with diseases of the alimentary system.

Средней калорийности горбушу не рекомендуется употреблять людям пожилого возрастаMeat of a humpback salmon is contraindicated at individual intolerance and existence of allergic reactions, and also at a serious illness of the alimentary system, a liver and renal failure. This fish people cannot use with the increased content of iodine, calcium and phosphorus in an organism.

Average caloric content should use a humpback salmon in limited quantity to people at advanced age, with pancreas diseases, disturbances of functioning of a thyroid gland and diseases of a brain.

At preparation of a humpback salmon it is not necessary to apply strong heat treatment as after it useful substances are destroyed and tastes of fish worsen.

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