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Caloric content of vegetables

Caloric content of vegetables shows how many energy they give to an organism at consumption.Как определить калорийность овощного салата Vegetables are an important component of a daily diet and a source of cellulose, vitamins and minerals.

Caloric content of fresh vegetables

It is important to know the caloric content of vegetables to people with the excess weight wishing to lose weight. Drawing up a kalorazh of a diet happens taking into account all of diet components. Calories in vegetables are expected most often 100 g of weight of products. Now it is possible to find different versions of the online calculators allowing to calculate the necessary daily caloric content of a diet depending on a floor, the initial and desirable weight, a kind of activity and age, and also to learn how many calories in vegetables of a specific dish.

It is known that vegetable food is less caloric in comparison with animal products. It does vegetables by a valuable dietary product. Separate vegetable cultures can be combined in the most different options that allows vegetable salads to become for weight loss that dish which diversifies a daily diet.

Some examples of caloric content of fresh vegetables (kcal on 100 g of a product):

  • Eggplant – 24;
  • Green peas – 72;
  • White cabbage – 28;
  • Potatoes – 83;
  • Onions – 43;
  • Carrots – 33;
  • Cucumbers – 10;
  • Sweet pepper – 27;
  • Parsley greens – 45;
  • Garden radish – 20;
  • Tomatoes – 15;
  • Salad – 14;
  • Siliculose haricot – 32;
  • Garlic – 106.

Caloric content of vegetables can sometimes be rather high, first of all it is possible to carry to them bean (peas, haricot, beans) and vegetables rich with starch (for example, potatoes). They can be included in a food allowance on a diet only periodically, replacing with them other high-calorific dishes. Watery vegetables – the most low-calorie (for example, cucumbers, tomatoes), recommend to use them daily. Vegetable salads from them, among other things, are valuable to weight loss the contained structured water.

It is important to remember that the caloric content of vegetable salad is influenced by with what it is filled. Mayonnaise, fat sour cream or sauce considerably increase the caloric content of vegetables therefore on a diet it is the best of all for people to fill salad with vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, etc.) or it is even better – lemon juice.

Caloric content of stewed vegetables

Except fresh vegetables, at a diet there are always thermally processed. Рецепты овощных салатов для похуденияFor those people who keep to a low-calorie diet vegetables are recommended to be welded or extinguished. Heat treatment allows to facilitate digestion of many of them though at the same time a number of useful vitamins and other biological substances collapses. But stewed vegetables create feeling of satiety and at the same time keep low caloric content. So, the caloric content of vegetable salad of vinaigrette makes only 92 kcal on 100 g. It is possible to improve taste of stewed vegetables spicy herbs and vegetables – a basil, garlic, onions, a thyme, etc.

Vegetables dishes turn out more tasty if to combine them with each other, for example, in the form of vegetable stew. It can be used both in the form of an independent dish, and in the form of a garnish. Caloric content of stewed vegetables will be summed up from the caloric content of separate products in its structure – potatoes, green peas, tomatoes, a cauliflower and sweet red pepper. At desire the list of ingredients can be added or changed. It is also useful to eat to a thicket cabbage – even in a stewed look it is a rich source of phytalbumin, vitamin C and food fibers (cellulose) improving work of intestines.

Caloric content of vegetables allows to include them in a diet of patients with obesity every day, without worrying about increase in weight.

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