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Currant caloric content

Currant is the most valuable berry bush and very long time – up to 20 years can fructify. People still estimated all its useful qualities and properties and therefore since the 16th century bushes of currant began to land directly near houses at far times. But till this time she could be met in places of the increased humidity: on coast of the rivers and streams, swamps and water meadows. It meets in a wild look also now, but has very small fruits whereas at garden currant of berry reach the size of 1 cm.Калорийность смородины и ее полезные свойства

The refreshing taste, refined aroma and low caloric content of currant made this berry of one of the most favourite for many people.

Structure of currant

In 100 g of blackcurrant contains vitamin C four times bigger, than in orange. It is a fine source of fructose, glucose and various organic acids. But at the same time the caloric content of currant is not high. One more main advantage of currant is availability of rare Omega-6 fatty acid.

At ripe fruits of currant there are vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), E and D. Calcium, sodium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium also are a part.

There are various grades of currant differing from each other in coloring and taste of berries. The most popular is blackcurrant.

Currant caloric content

Black, red and white currant on energy value especially do not differ. Caloric content of currant makes 46 kcal on each hundred grams of ripe berries. Currant caloric content in a big glass (250 ml) makes 68 kcal. Caloric content of red currant is equal in the glass containing 200 ml to 55 kcal.

Fresh currant has especially useful properties. It is enough to eat 20-30 berries a day and the daily need for ascorbic acid will be completely filled. At the same time, blackcurrant caloric content small that will not allow to gain excess weight.

Currant can be frozen that in the winter to cook compotes or to use in the defrozen look. Also from it prepare juice, jams, fruit drinks, compotes and jelly. And, blackcurrant caloric content at the same time can increase due to sugar use. So, for example, the caloric content of currant jam makes more than 240 kcal on each 100 grams of a product.

Red both blackcurrant caloric content and useful properties

Not only fruits, but also leaves, and also branches of currant have unique useful properties:

  • Fruits of currant have diuretic, vasodilating and krovoochistitelny properties;
  • Carotene activates cellular exchange and well protects mucous membranes;
  • Low caloric content of currant allows to use widely this berry in clinical nutrition at obesity;
  • Rutinum which is a part well influences vessels, they become strong and elastic;
  • B3 and B5 vitamins do hair brilliant and silky;
  • Iron and calcium take active part in a krovoobrazovaniye;
  • Good cardiac performance is well influenced by manganese and potassium.

Thus, the rich content of vitamins and low caloric content of currant do this berry by really unique food stuff.

Currant caloric content: use of berries as means of weight reduction

At regular consumption of fruits of currant processes of fermentation and rotting in intestines are eliminated, the liver unloads, department of bile is stimulated, the metabolism is normalized.

Currant caloric content small, and therefore it is used to solve a problem it is excessive weight.

The approximate menu per day for weight loss taking into account currant caloric content

  • Breakfast: porridge and 250-300 g of currant;
  • 2 breakfast: glass of currant juice or fruit drink;
  • Lunch: boiled meat (200 g) and stewed vegetables;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad and glass of a fruit drink from currant.

Use of currant in medicine

At the expense of a large amount of ascorbic acid currant is the leader at treatment of catarrhal diseases. However if you have a tendency to excess weight, then remember the high caloric content of currant jam. Instead of it eat fresh or fresh-frozen berries without sugar better.

Currant perfectly copes with avitaminosis, locks, suppresses nausea, normalizes good work of intestines. Also currant – fine diuretic.Правильно рассчитываем калорийность смородинового варенья

Adhering to various low-calorie diets, people usually hunger which is so easy for eliminating with a handful of these wonderful berries. And the low caloric content of currant will not allow to appear to extra kilos.

With a high arterial pressure broth from plant leaves helps. Tea from branches of currant eliminates headaches. It is entered into structure of medical collecting for prevention and treatment of oncology and an allergy.

Currant juice is fine means for prevention of such terrible diseases as a heart attack and thrombosis. Also juice of red currant well lowers temperature and has sudorific property, helps at food poisonings. And considering the low caloric content of red currant, juice from it can be recommended safely even to those people who have problems with excess weight.


Use of currant is categorically contraindicated to people with a stomach hyperoxemia, an ulcer, gastritis and had hepatitis.

Whether you know that:

In our intestines are born, millions of bacteria live and die. They can be seen only at strong increase, but if they gathered, then would be located in a usual coffee cup.