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Stones in kidneys

The urolithiasis is an official medical name of a disease at which stones in kidneys and in other bodies of an urinary system are formed.

Age groups subject to risk of a disease

Practically all groups of the population are subject to development of an urolithiasis. The disease can occur even at newborn children. But the person is more senior, the risk of formation of stones in kidneys is more.

Types of stones in kidneys

Виды камней в почкахThe type of concrements (stones) depends generally on age of the person. People of old age usually suffer from the stones consisting of salts of uric acid. Less often concrements of other type meet. They can be formed not only directly in kidneys, but also in a bladder and an ureter. Their size can be various: from several millimeters (small are called "sand") to several centimeters.

Stones in kidneys: education reasons

One of the main reasons of development of an urolithiasis, disturbance of exchange processes in an organism is. Stones in kidneys appear at change of water-salt and chemical composition of blood. Also their education is influenced by a number of the additional reasons:

  • Heredity;
  • Chronic gastrointestinal diseases and urinogenital system: gastritis, colitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, cystitis, etc.;
  • Existence of injuries and various diseases of bones;
  • The infectious diseases leading to disturbance of water-salt balance;
  • Disturbance of work of epithelial bodies;
  • Vitamin D hypervitaminosis;
  • Use in a food allowance of too salty, acid and acute products increasing acidity of urine, and also hard water with the maintenance of high level of salts;
  • Surplus of ultraviolet rays.

Stones in kidneys: symptoms

Very seldom the urolithiasis proceeds absolutely asymptomatically and stones in kidneys are found absolutely accidentally, when carrying out inspection of the patient concerning any other disease.

The symptom of stones in kidneys is the most widespread emergence of pain in lumbar area from one or two parties. It can amplify during exercise stresses or at change of position of a body. The stone which got to an ureter causes sharp pain in the lower part of a stomach and in a groin – renal colic. In kidneys treat other symptoms of stones:

  • Urine discolorations;
  • The renal gripes which are periodically renewing and calming down. Stop after a stone exit;
  • The increased arterial pressure;
  • Hypostases.

Stones in kidneys: treatment

Therapy of an urolithiasis includes operational and conservative methods of treatment today. Main objectives of treatment of stones in kidneys are:

  • Removing calculus;
  • Prevention of repeated formation of concrements;
  • Elimination of an infection.

At conservative treatment of stones in kidneys the medicines directed to dissolution of concrements, normalization of a metabolism, stopping of inflammatory processes in an urinary system are used. Also sick the dietotherapy is recommended. If the size of stones has the small size, then this way is quite effective. Treatment of an urolithiasis is carried out under direct observation of the urologist.

In kidneys resort to surgical treatment of stones in the presence of concrements of the big size or having the irregular korallovidny shape. Now there is an excellent alternative to open surgical intervention – crushing of stones in kidneys by means of a remote shock and wave lithotripsy. This method of treatment of an urolithiasis is based on use of the focused shock electrohydraulic acoustic waves. Under their influence there is a crushing of stones in kidneys, an ureter and a bladder. Actually urinary stones turn into small sand which without any difficulties is removed in the natural way outside.

Stones in kidneys: folk remedies of a solution

Самым распространенным симптомом камней в почках является боль в поясничной областиThere are many nonconventional ways of treatment of an urolithiasis including reception of various broths of the plants promoting crushing of stones in kidneys and to their painless removal. But before resorting to treatment of stones in kidneys folk remedies, it is necessary to consult to the attending physician surely. It is connected with the fact that urinary stones can have the different chemical nature (oxalates, urates, proteinaceous, etc.) and therefore various means are necessary for their dissolution. Incorrectly picked up phytotherapy not only will not lead to crushing of a stone in kidneys, but also, on the contrary, can provoke its further growth or development of an attack of renal colic.

Diet for prevention and treatment of an urolithiasis

The diet at an urolithiasis has to be formed taking into account acid-base reaction of urine, chemical composition of concrements and features of disbolism. Its basic principles are:

  • The plentiful use of liquid that allows to bring out of uric ways salt rainfall and small stones, so-called sand;
  • The use of the food stuffs supporting necessary рН urine for the best dissolution of already available concrements and prevention of formation of new;
  • Restriction in a food allowance of the products promoting formation of stones in kidneys.

The dietotherapy at an urolithiasis shall be under construction taking into account associated diseases. So, for example, in the presence at the patient of a circulatory unefficiency use of the large amount of liquid recommended for treatment of an urolithiasis is excluded. At a combination of stones in kidneys and obesity the diet has to be low-calorie.

At uratny stones it is necessary to exclude the products rich with purine bases from a diet (bean, mushrooms, a peanut, a cauliflower, a garden radish, a fig, a sorrel, spinach, chocolate, a meat offal).

At oxalic stones it is necessary to limit the use of the products rich with oxalic acid (beet, potatoes, onions, carrots, blackcurrant, a citrus, bilberry). At the same time, it is necessary to use as much as possible the products connecting and bringing oxalic acid out of an organism. Treat them: plums, pears, apples, light grapes, cornel.

At phosphatic stones in kidneys the diet with sharp restriction practically of all fruit, vegetables and dairy products is recommended. Include eggs, meat, fish, beans, grain and some types of fruit, berries and vegetables (cowberry, acid apples, a cranberry, green peas, pumpkin) in the menu. Such diet is not physiological. Therefore it is necessary to adhere to it only short time, for example during an exacerbation of a disease.

Additional recommendations

You should not forget about exercise stresses. During physical exercises calcium from blood passes into bones. It reduces risk of education in kidneys of stones.

It is necessary to watch not only quality of the used water, but also to use it in enough: at least 1,5-2 liters a day. At the expense of plentiful drink of water urine becomes less concentrated, as prevents loss of a deposit of salts.

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